AC or No AC Dorm?

So, Is the heat/cold unbearable to the extent an AC is almost necessary…?
The difference in an AC dorm is 1000$…Should I go for the AC or Non - AC…

Pls recommend fast

If you’re worried about the money, then no, you shouldn’t go with an AC dorm. I’ve lived in Wisconsin my whole life, and when school is in session, it won’t be hot for more than a couple weeks, so a fan & open window will do just fine for when its hot. I don’t have AC in my room at home and I do just fine. AC is always nice, though, so if you have the extra 1,000, then I’d go for it.

@Nightskystarz Thanks for the reply!
But what about the cold…? Is the AC not required during the winter season…?

Heat is available all year round and may be desired for cool fall nights and definitely in the winter and early spring. Each room has its own setup to regulate that (roommates need to work together on the comfort zone). A/C only potentially needed some days in spring/summer. Once you are in Madison you will acclimate to seasonal temperatures- the first cool day seems colder than lower temps will later.

If that’s the only difference, AC isn’t worth $1000. There will probably be a few uncomfortable days in first/last weeks of the semester, but only a few. I would definitely get a fan if you don’t have AC to make it more comfortable. Every dorm and classroom will have heat, so turn it on if it gets too cold in your room. You might have to compromise with your roommate if they like it much warmer or cooler.

@nightskystarz Your suggestion about opening a window - how do you propose to open a window in Sellery or Witte? Those windows don’t open!

No air conditioning- windows must open for airflow. Where’s your source for the statement in post # 5???

I’ve been in those rooms. I could be wrong but didn’t see a way to open.

There has to be some venting then.

Although its been 2 years, I seem to remember my son’s windows in Sellery opened – it slid sideways, and there were screens.

Yes, in Google Images you can see sliding windows with screens. I would not pay extra for the air conditioning if you liked the other features of the non-AC dorms. In the evenings it wouldn’t be as hot and a fan could be used. During an unusually hot day at the beginning or end of the semester, you could stay out of the room during most of the day.

The AC dorms don’t cost $1000 more because they have AC–they’re nicer (and then there’s Chad).
If you can get a doctor note you can buy one for like $120/ semester. It is pretty hot the first few weeks. It was hot in September and my dorm was up to 95-100 sometimes (some kid told us).

I think that you mean rent, not buy.

Only a very few students with exceptional needs will qualify for a physician’s note to have A/C. Anyone from the tropics, such as India, should have no problems with the heat. My Indian H prefers it hotter than I do!

Yeah, Wis75 is kind of wrong about “exceptional needs.” They have enough for every room that doesn’t have one (they all get them during the summer for conference guests.)

The sheet you turn in to Housing doesn’t actually say what your medical need is, so it can be as simple as “I can’t sleep when it’s hot.” That’s what I told my doctor, and he was cool with signing the sheet. After all, loss of sleep affects academic performance, right?

I think you should go A/C. The comfort factor is a huge plus, especially when trying to sleep. Quite often fans don’t really cool, they just turbocharge hot air.

My roomy and I both had allergies and we got AC at Witte. Housing has a form to fill out that you take to doc. Those first 3 weeks in Sept '12 were brutal. People were sleeping 1st floor common area for relief. Then it cooled off and all was good till May.