I have just been emailed by my teacher about being accused of academic dishonesty. My professor emailed me about meeting up. Unfortunately I wasn’t available and already met for the summer so we talked in email. He asked me to describe my program and I did honestly answer his questions. He then came 3 days later and said I didnt come clean so he is filing a report. I did use code from another source which we were allowed to do and I admitted this after he told me he was going to file. I never denied this before but this time he was accusing me. My program works much differently than the other I looked at after trying to fix mine. Should I appeal the process. He is giving me an R for my final grade. I got a 3.34 first semester but a 2.67 second. I was supposed to get a B but now I am getting an R and a letter. I am a freshman but I feel like my only choice now is appeal or drop out of one of the best programs in the world. This was part of a freshman core unrelated to anything I wanted to take. Please help! What should I do?
Have you met with the Dean yet to review your case? Do you know exactly what evidence he has against you? It doesn’t make sense that he would charge you for something he gave you permission to do. However, an appeal would be best worth your time only if you know for sure, without any doubt, that his accusations are incorrect and that you did nothing to violate your school’s academic integrity policies.
I will say this: if you copy and paste code directly from an existing source without providing any indication of the original source, you have committed plagiarism.