I had a professor give me an F in the entire course and an academic dishonesty that stays in my records for 7 years. Why? The final exam had 4 questions, from which 1 question had answers matching another person, exactly the same. And this approach wasn’t taught by him, thus making it unique. We both had the exact same one. I wasn’t sitting next to anyone and I don’t know who this person is. The professor claims we had the same source (phone) to cheat from. But has no proof. The only thing is we have the same answers and they’re unique.
Did you cheat? You said he had no proof and the person wasn’t near you but you haven’t said that you didn’t use any dishonest means when you took the test.
Since it seems like you have been reported to a university office for academic integrity, someone there should be able to answer your questions about next steps. Specifically, how do you go about challenging the professor’s conclusion that you cheated? If you really didn’t cheat, then you should pursue this. If you did cheat, then think twice about getting a university committee involved.
I’m going to close the thread. You’ve already asked the question before and there’s nothing we can do to help you. It would probably be smart not to cheat again.