Ok guys, So I started CC way back in 2011. Sadly, I really never knew what I wanted to do with my life, but I was still going to college because it was what my parents wanted me to do. Because of it, I never tried in any of my classes, I would skip class, I wouldn’t put the time to study or even do the homework. I was academically dismissed from a CC in SOcal, and I took a semester off.
It was the wake up call I needed that made me get my ish together. I attended a different CC and after two semesters I have a 3.6 Transfer GPA the problem is… This
puu. sh /i6Qbv/1066ca2504.png puu . sh /i6Qbv/1066ca2504.png (sorry don’t know how to link)
that’s my UC transfer GPA, and I was looking towards a hopeful transfer to UCSB. is it still possible or am I screwed?
Your link didn’t show up. What grades did you get at your first CC? If they were Ds and Fs you can get academic renewal to exclude them from your GPA.
whats the first part of the link? just write the missing words separated out.
This is what the image shows
PoliSci: D
JAPN 1 : C
Computer info systems: C
College success: C
Historyof US: C
GPA 1.81 total units: 16.5
Sadly all those Cs pretty much murdered my UC GPA
Which community college was this at?
Mtsac, I’m currently going to Santiago Canyon
Is this your first semester - or let’s put it this way- 5 years ago if you apply for fall 2016? If so, they will take that into consideration and look at upward trends. Definitely get the D retaken or academic renewal. I would say if you choose a major that is not selective, you stand an OK shot at some UC. What is your GPA, leaving those courses off?
sadly, it was over the period of 3 years.
i already retook Poli sci and got a B+, leaving those courses out my gpa is around a 3.5
sorry. responded to wrong thread
Just pick a major where the admitted GPA is that or lower. Look at UCLA’s profile of admitted students (it’s the only UC that has such detail) then lower it as you work your way down the UC tier system. You have a 3.5 now. You can get in to a UC (and a good one) with that GPA. A lot of people do. They get in with 3.3s.
When you apply just be honest that you just had a mindset that is now changed. Trust me, all is NOT lost!
Update: no wait, that’s the GPA without the Cs. Calculate what you think you could get next fall and factor in your projected GPA. It still is doable. The UCs like seeing upward trends.
I went from a 2.1 GPA in CSU due to illnesses to a 3.5 GPA within 2 yrs at CC
Got my academic dismissal from CSU reverted by a counselor after .
Yes anything is possible, don’t be negative.
i was in a much worse situation, OP, and I got into some UCs (I didn’t apply to UCSB, but I got into davis which is ranked about the same i think) so don’t despair. i believe i could have gotten into UCLA as well, had i taken the right pre-reqs.
in my case i failed out of an out-of-state community college with something like a 1.5 back in 2011 with 40 or so units. i went back to a california CC starting 2013 and got a 4.0 over ~60 (semester) units. by the time i applied for transfer my overall GPA was somewhere around 3.1, 3.2 or so. (though - lots of the classes i failed at the old school were either re-taken or didn’t transfer so my “effective” GPA from that school was actually slightly above a 2)
now, granted my grades turned around more sharply and i went to the first school quite a while ago, but you only have 18 units attached to that bad GPA. if you retake some of the classes and continue to do well in your others you should be able to bring your GPA up to par really easily. they’ll also see that you turned it around which i’ve heard gives you a boost.
my advice to you: you’re completely fine, just relax and keep doing well. use ASSIST and take all of the transferable classes you can to bring your transfer GPA up higher. you can bring up to 70 semester units to a UC, so really with some re-takes and continued good performance that 1.8 won’t hurt you much at all.
Use https://uctap.universityofcalifornia.edu/students/index.cfm to put in all grades from all CCs and let us know what how your GPA looks.
As other posters have told you, many, MANY people come back to school after goofing on their first time in college. Fortunately, CCs are pretty forgiving.
After doing the grade thing I posted above, I’d call the office at your CC (when they are open) and ask what you can do to remedy the academic dismissal. Ask if that means you are not in good standing. If you are not in good standing, ask how you can remedy that.
The fact that you are pulling a 3.6 now is awesome, congrats! You should also know that UCs allow for grade replacement if any of your grades are D/Fs. You should look into that to see if it can raise your overall GPA
There are definitely still options! Santiago Canyon requires that course being reviewed for academic renewal must have been completed at least 2 years ago, not 5. And as long as you have completed 30 more credits with a 2.0 GPA since then, you are eligible. https://www.sccollege.edu/studentservices/admissions/documents/others/collegepolicies.pdf
I obtained a .5 semester GPA at an out of state private school, which brought my overall UC GPA to about a 2.9. However, I had three CC semesters of about a 3.8 cumulative. I was accepted to UCR and UCSC and wait listed at UC Davis. I was also granted a retroactive withdrawal for the .5 semester grades, which brought my UC GPA tremendously. Therefore, I appealed to UCLA and included this information in the UCD wait list statement. Although, even if I get in, I’m probably still attend UCSC.
If you don’t apply to any selective majors, you will have options.
Am I wrong? You cannot get dismissal for three Cs? He already retook his D class. ???
i’m pretty sure it happened because his very first class taken was a D, giving him a 1.0 overall GPA. then, because he got only Cs afterward, his cumulative GPA stayed below a 2 for long enough to trigger the dismissal. he retook the D class at his new school but is still considered as dismissed from the first school.
@lindyk8 I didn’t see the three C’s, you’re correct. But the renewal timeline is 2 yrs. for most places, not 5.
No what I mean is it appears that people are suggesting he get a dismissal for the Cs, but he can’t. He’s stuck with them. He already retook the D course. So he can’t correct the Cs, unless I am misreading what people wrote.
If the course he retook is clearly matched, he doesn’t have to get it dismissed, as the repeat grade replaces it. He just needs to file the repeat course form.
@starkali I didn’t say five years for AR. What I said was if you cannot get AR they tend not to take into account classes that have poor grades if it’s been about five years, which is what he seemed to be saying. (He started in 2011.) please read posts more carefully. Thx. 
I understood what you meant, no need to write a lengthy paragraph