<p>I go to a very academically competitive high school, and I have good SAT scores, many AP classes, and a 4.3 GPA. but right now I have a B- in AP English Literature and I'm afraid that it might fall to a C+. but I'm getting a B+ in AP Calculus, an A in AP Economics, and an A in AP Psychology, along with an A in Advanced Drama. Will that C in English really hurt me with schools like NYU, UMichigan, and Muhlenberg?</p>
<p>I have the same dilemma…anyone?</p>
<p>I am not an expert, but I don’t think one “C” is going to hurt you horribly, especially when applying/auditioning for BFA programs and especially when you have a strong overall academic record and especially when the slightly lower grade (B- or C) is in an AP course. </p>
<p>I think academically rigorous schools such as NYU and Michigan are more impressed that you challenge yourself in an AP course than they would be if you chose to take a regular course just for an easy “A.”</p>
<p>Just keep working hard to bring that grade up as you go along and make sure your auditions are strong.</p>
<p>Clay and Claire – Do not fret! You’ll be perfectly OK and one less-than-perfect grade (C+) will not hurt you especially given your GPA and number of AP classes. I’m guessing you’ve managed these good grades and hard classes with an enormous extracurricular plate. That’s impressive in its own right. Plus your audition will be a very important part of your “package” too. You are good … just keep working hard as NMR said. And write thoughtful essays which will demonstrate how your classes paid off!</p>