Academic Information -> Courses

<p>I'm currently a college freshman who might be applying to Penn for the next fall semester. In the Common App supplement, it says to list my current academic courses for both my first and second term. They also list the subjects for me, which include: English, math, social science, science, language, and other. I'm currently a Biology major who is taking biology, chemistry, calculus, German, and drawing both semesters, so obviously the choices don't match up very well. Should I just list my courses and ignore the titles that they included?</p>


<p>Ya, do that. I called and asked about that and they said just fill it in as best you can and don’t be afraid to put other classes in the other blanks if you have to. I doubt it’s different for a transfer but for the record I am an incoming freshman.</p>

<p>I would make sure to fit all of them in, in any way possible. If that is the only way you have enough room, do it.[I did that last year when I was taking multiple science courses]</p>