Academically good business school in Florida?

<p>I currently go to USF, it's not a bad school but I don't think USF has good rankings in business school. Sure is at great location, close to home, great at research and med, but I want to go to business school. I'll be graduating with an undergrad in mgmt info sys with minor in finance and international business. I want to go to graduate school which has better academic ranking in mgmt info sys or finance. Location is not a factor for me. I've read lots of different opinions on this forums regarding public colleges in FL, but not particularly with business school. So any suggestions would be greatly appericiated. And I'm only planning to go to public colleges as I can't afford to pay for private colleges.</p>

<p>Thanks for reading and replying.</p>

<p>If you’re looking for ranking and prestige in a Florida school, UF shines and is the top rated school both public and private in the state. US NEWS ranked the Florida MBA # 34 in the nation overall, tied with U-Washington, Notre Dame and Boston College. The MBA is ranked top 60-ish in the world by The Economist and has received accolade from almost every major MBA ranking system out there. USF should be a nice “feeder” school to UF, too. Disclaimer- I am a USF Grad (MS in chemistry) and a UF MBA alumni.</p>

<p>No other school in Florida is even ranked, althugh I do believe Florida State has an underrated MBA, Miami is solid and USF is also very good. Rollins seems to have solid and loyal alumni base, too. </p>

<p>[University</a> of Florida MBA Programs](<a href=“]University”></p>

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<p>UF also Attracts “top 20” students in terms of Admissions standards:</p>

<pre><code> GMAT GPA

<p>1 Stanford 721 3.61
2 Harvard 713 3.63
3 Dartmouth 713 3.46
4 (Wharton) 712 3.53
5 Berkeley (Haas) 710 3.57
6 Chicago 709 3.5
7 Columbia 707 3.4
8 MIT (Sloan) 705 3.5
9 Northwestern 704 3.5
10 UCLA 704 3.6
11 NYU (Stern) 700 3.4
12 Yale 700 3.47
13 Michigan (Ross) 700 3.3
14 Carnegie Mellon 696 3.32
15 Duke 690 3.38
16 USC (Marshall) 689 3.3
17 Virginia 688 3.33
18 Emory 685 3.3
19 Cornell 682 3.31
20 UNC 681 3.27
21 <strong><em>Univ. of Florida 680 3.4</em></strong>****
22 Univ. of Washington 679 3.38
23 Georgetown 677 3.26
24 Arizona State 675 3.44
25 Washington Univ 674 3.38
26 UC–Davis 674 3.37
27 Texas–Austin 673 3.38
28 Rochester 673 3.52
29 Notre Dame 673 3.2
30 Boston University 668 3.38
31 UC–Irvine 667 3.34
32 Texas A&M 665 3.4
33 Georgia Tech 665 3.4
34 Purdue 662 3.32
35 Minnesota 661 3.37
36 Ohio State 661 3.41
37 Brigham Young (Marriott) 661 3.53
38 Indiana–Bloomington 656 3.37
39 Wisconsin 656 3.37
40 Univ. of Georgia 653 3.4
41 Univ. of Iowa 652 3.34
42 Boston College 651 3.35
43 Maryland–College Park 650 3.34
44 Penn. State 650 3.3
45 Vanderbilt 644 3.27
46 Rice 642 3.25
47 Southern Methodist 640 3.3
48 Michigan State 633 3.22
49 Babson College 631 3.21
50 Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 627 3.4
8 MIT 705 3.5
9 Northwestern (Kellogg) 704 3.5
10 UCLA (Anderson) 704 3.6
11 NYU (Stern) 700 3.4
12 Yale 700 3.47
13 Michigan–Ann Arbor (Ross) 700 3.3
14 Carnegie Mellon (Tepper) 696 3.32
15 Duke (Fuqua) 690 3.38
16 Univ. of Southern Cal. (Marshall) 689 3.3
17 University of Virginia (Darden) 688 3.33
18 Emory (Goizueta) 685 3.3
19 Cornell (Johnson) 682 3.31
20 UNC–Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler) 681 3.27
21 Univ. of Florida (Hough) 680 3.4
22 Univ. of Washington (Foster) 679 3.38
23 Georgetown 677 3.26
24 Arizona State 675 3.44
25 Washington Univ, St. Louis (Olin) 674 3.38
26 Univ. of California–Davis 674 3.37
27 Texas–Austin (McCombs) 673 3.38
28 Rochester (Simon) 673 3.52
29 Notre Dame (Mendoza) 673 3.2
30 Boston University 668 3.38
31 U. California–Irvine (Merage) 667 3.34
32 Texas A&M (Mays) 665 3.4
33 Georgia Institute of Technology 665 3.4
34 Purdue (Krannert) 662 3.32
35 Minnesota–Twin Cities (Carlson) 661 3.37
36 Ohio State (Fisher) 661 3.41
37 Brigham Young (Marriott) 661 3.53
38 Indiana–Bloomington (Kelley) 656 3.37
39 Wisconsin–Madison 656 3.37
40 Univ. of Georgia (Terry) 653 3.4
41 Univ. of Iowa (Tippie) 652 3.34
42 Boston College (Carroll) 651 3.35
43 Maryland–College Park (Smith) 650 3.34
44 Penn. State (Smeal) 650 3.3
45 Vanderbilt (Owen) 644 3.27
46 Rice (Jones) 642 3.25
47 Southern Methodist (Cox) 640 3.3
48 Michigan State (Broad) 633 3.22
49 Babson College (Olin) 631 3.21
50 Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 627 3.4</p>

<p>Rollins College in Orlando is supposed to have a very good MBA program if you’re looking for a small school experience. If you want a big school, UF will give you great FL connections which really helps when job hunting.</p>

Rollins is in a gorgeous area of Orlando (Winter Park), which is a perk.</p>

<p>how bout Florida State?</p>

<p>Florida State- Excellent program, easy to get into and underrated. However, the MBA just doesn’t have the cache’ that the UF MBA has, but if you want to work in Florida, I don’t think you can go wrong at FSU.</p>

<p>Edited list
1 Stanford 721 3.61
2 Harvard 713 3.63
3 Dartmouth (Tuck) 713 3.46
4 Univ. of Pennsylvania (Wharton) 712 3.53
5 U. California–Berkeley (Haas) 710 3.57
6 Chicago 709 3.5
7 Columbia 707 3.4
8 MIT (Sloan) 705 3.5
9 Northwestern (Kellogg) 704 3.5
10 UCLA (Anderson) 704 3.6
11 NYU (Stern) 700 3.4
12 Yale 700 3.47
13 Michigan–Ann Arbor (Ross) 700 3.3
14 Carnegie Mellon (Tepper) 696 3.32
15 Duke (Fuqua) 690 3.38
16 Univ. of Southern Cal. (Marshall) 689 3.3
17 University of Virginia (Darden) 688 3.33
18 Emory (Goizueta) 685 3.3
19 Cornell (Johnson) 682 3.31
20 UNC–Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler) 681 3.27
21*******************<strong><em>Univ. of Florida (Hough) 680 3.4</em></strong>********************
22 Univ. of Washington (Foster) 679 3.38
23 Georgetown (McDonough) 677 3.26
24 Arizona State (Carey) 675 3.44
25 Washington Univ, St. Louis (Olin) 674 3.38
26 Univ. of California–Davis 674 3.37
27 Texas–Austin (McCombs) 673 3.38
28 Rochester (Simon) 673 3.52
29 Notre Dame (Mendoza) 673 3.2
30 Boston University 668 3.38
31 U. California–Irvine (Merage) 667 3.34
32 Texas A&M (Mays) 665 3.4
33 Georgia Institute of Technology 665 3.4
34 Purdue (Krannert) 662 3.32
35 Minnesota–Twin Cities (Carlson) 661 3.37
36 Ohio State (Fisher) 661 3.41
37 Brigham Young (Marriott) 661 3.53
38 Indiana–Bloomington (Kelley) 656 3.37
39 Wisconsin–Madison 656 3.37
40 Univ. of Georgia (Terry) 653 3.4
41 Univ. of Iowa (Tippie) 652 3.34
42 Boston College (Carroll) 651 3.35
43 Maryland–College Park (Smith) 650 3.34
44 Penn. State (Smeal) 650 3.3
45 Vanderbilt (Owen) 644 3.27
46 Rice (Jones) 642 3.25
47 Southern Methodist (Cox) 640 3.3
48 Michigan State (Broad) 633 3.22
49 Babson College (Olin) 631 3.21
50 Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 627 3.4</p>

<p>UF is the only way to go in Florida. Don’t touch Rollins. Rollins is where rich mommies and daddies send their kids who didn’t get into any school worth going to.</p>