Academics, Social Life & Athletic Achievement in the USNWR Top 20

<p>The following are the rankings for the USNWR Top 20 as ranked by three factors:</p>

<p>65% Academic (as measured by USNWR ranking)
25% Social Life (as measured by ranking from Social Life of the Top 20 thread)
10% Athletic Achievement (as measured by Final Directors Cup standings)</p>

<p>Overall Rank, School, USNWR Rank, Social Rank, Athletic Rank, Raw Score</p>

<p>1 Stanford, 4th in USNWR rank, 1st in CC Social Thread rank, 1st in 2006-07 Directors Cup rank, raw score of 2.95
2 Duke, 8, 4, 11, 7.30
3 Princeton, 1, 10, 63, 9.45
4 Harvard, 2, 17, 64, 11.95
5 U Penn, 7, 3, 77, 13.00
6 Northwestern, 14, 5, 30, 13.35
7 Yale, 3, 13, 95, 14.70
8 Vanderbilt, 18, 2, 33, 15.50
9 Cornell, 12, 11, 55, 16.05
10 Notre Dame, 20, 5, 22, 16.45
11 Cal Tech, 4, 17, 100, 16.85
11 MIT, 4, 17, 100, 16.85
13 Columbia, 9, 13, 83, 17.40
14 Dartmouth, 9, 7, 100, 17.60
15 U Chicago, 9, 17, 100, 20.10
16 Wash U StL, 12, 12, 100, 20.80
17 Brown, 15, 9, 90, 21.00
18 Rice, 17, 8, 100, 23.05
19 J Hopkins, 16, 15, 100, 24.15
20 Emory, 18, 15, 100, 25.45</p>

<p>I made an executive decision that none of the athletic ranks should be worse than 100 and that all of the Division III schools would be scored at the 100 level as well in order to reflect their likely athletic competitiveness on a national scale with all national universities. I’m sure that there is a better way to equalize for this, but I thought that this was a reasonable and fair way to score for national athletic prowess at the Division I level. </p>

<p>It should also be noted that beyond the USNWR Top 20, several top public and private schools also did very well in the Directors Cup. Top 30 Publics with strong performances include UCLA-2nd, U North Carolina-3rd, U Michigan-4th, UC Berkeley-9th, and U Virginia-13th. Top 30 Privates with strong performances include USC-5th, Wake Forest-23rd.</p>