Acceptance letter?

<p>I saw I was accepted, via MyUCF, on 12/13/08 for the Fall 2009 term. I was just wondering how long it's going to take to get my acceptance letter in the mail because I'm going on vacation on the 22nd :-\ Any comments and answers are greatly appreciated! Thanks!</p>

<p>Congratulations. My daughter’s took 8 days, but that was back in September. Perhaps the holiday mail will slow it down too.</p>

<p>Thanks! Ahhhhhh I want it now! haha… Congratulations to your daughter, too. Hopefully I get it soon!!!</p>


<p>I found out last week Wednesday (the 10th) (after checking almost hourly lol) and got my letter a few days ago (the 17th or 18th I believe) so id say about 5 or 6 BUSINESS days after.</p>


<p>Congrats! D found out Wednesday (the 18th) by Friday housing deposit was paid online. We are waiting for the acceptance letter to come in the mail now.</p>

<p>Congrats to all who were already accepted. When did you apply? I’m still waiting to hear, and it’s been awhile since I applied. I called admissions yesterday and they told me they received a lot of apps.</p>

<p>Congratulations everyone! I just got it today and I’m so excited!</p>

<p>I guess there is no need to wish you happy holidays. </p>

<p>I wonder if they close the admission office for the next 2 weeks? Probably. </p>

<p>More waiting for me but glad you got good news</p>

<p>D applied on October 10th and was deferred later that month. She resent her SATs and was accepted on Wednesday. She’s super excited to go NOW! She’ll be there Summer 2009.</p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>Nomoreyears… I applied on December 8th and they responded abnormally quickly to my application… I don’t know why…</p>

<p>D received her “official” acceptance letter in the mail yesterday. Still as exciting as finding out online!! So it took less than a week to arrive.</p>

<p>Nomoreyears, I spoke to admssions yesterday and they said that they will be closed December 24-28 and December 31-January 4. So they offices will be open on December 29th and 30th!</p>

<p>Thanks, Jerseymom. You are a big help on UCF posts. </p>

<p>I e-mailed Admissions Office this weekend so hopefully I’ll hear from them soon. Is no news good news??? Doesn’t feel like it.</p>