<p>I know that some schools give notification of acceptance/rejection on line or via e-mail and some send out letters to the home...but what about financial aid?</p>
<p>It might be nice to be accepted at a school - but without knowing if there's any financial aid I won't be able to determine if attending is even a remote possibility. So my question is:
how and when do schools let you know if your child will receive financial aid?</p>
<p>We didn’t have any on-line notifications last year, but all three school delivered their acceptances and financial aid awards together in one package in the mail.</p>
<p>I can third that. The acceptances that came in the mail included financial aid info with them. The ones on-line did not, but the follow up letter in the mail did.</p>
<p>so the online notification just tells you whether you’ve been accepted without mentioning FA? I thought they’d post the whole letter there, without the supporting documents.</p>
<p>For us: on-line did NOT have financial aid information. Some schools sent a whole package, that had notification of admission, plus financial aid award. Other schools just sent an acceptance letter, and the financial aid award letter came about three days later.</p>
<p>On-line acceptances ranged from 12:01 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on March 10th…this was one parent who didn’t get much work done that day last year! Some acceptances came in the mail or by overnight delivery on March 10th, others on March 11th. March 10th was a Monday last year, so some speculated that is why some acceptances came on the 11th. Check out the voluminous number of threads from March 10th to 12th last year for all of the details…</p>
<p>Lol ya I did. Sounds exciting…Well if it’s coming in the mail the next day I’d rather read the letter. But I guess it’d be cool to stay up all night checking.</p>
<p>Acceptance came online at a few seconds after midnight…but S was not home, so I did not open it. School sent an e-mail next morning with the subject “You have something from admissions!”. Packet came in the mail with hard copy of admit letter and fa info.</p>