acceptance rate?

<p>okay what is the REAL acceptance rate for Grinnell first-year student?!?! because on college board it says 50% for regular decision, but on the Grinnell website it says 35%. somebody clarify please! like can somebody at the school ask the admissions office or something? pretty plzzzz</p>

<p>Its about 36%, according to the common data set, which is the most reliable source you can have.</p>

<p>What about international?</p>

<p>no specific statistics, though it will probably at least as high if not higher, because Grinnell is trying to gain a higher national reputation, which international students helps a lot.</p>

<p>I think I recall an admissions officer mentioning that the acceptance rate for internationals is around 10%. This year they had more than 300 international applicants and accepted around 30.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that the acceptance rate this year will probably be lower than what it was last year. Grinnell ended up with a larger first-year class this year than intended (by about 40 students, I think) due to a higher yield. So it would make sense that Grinnell would make fewer offers of admission this year. </p>

<p>It is hard to know what the current economic turmoil will do to Grinnell’s admissions. Between merit aid and tuition that starts out lower than comparable schools like Carleton, Grinnell can be pretty attractive to those not eligible for need-based aid. But on the other hand, it sounds like many families in that situation are looking at alternatives to private schools.</p>

<p>Spouse points out that my number for international student acceptance rate can’t be correct-I must be remembering another statistic. </p>

<p>The web site says around 1,600 students of which 12% are international. That means 192 international students-about 50/year enrolled (not 50 admitted-the admissions rate is presumably higher than 12%).</p>

<p>after an enormous amount of debate, i decided grinnell was my first choice (which now seems so obvious to me haha) and i’m applying ed. speaking of merit aid, do u think there’s any chance of merit aid if i apply ed? i think i’ve heard stories of them doing that…</p>

<p>Thanks for the stats!</p>