
<p>To any people already in college, what were the first lines of your acceptance letter to your college or rejection letter. I want to be prepared :)</p>

<p>You’ll almost certainly know before you open the envelope.</p>

<p>The Tulane envelope was big and was like really firm so the letter inside wouldn’t get bent

<p>It said some generic CONGRATULATIONS message or something</p>

<p>I’ve gotten one from UT, it was a really small envelope that just said congratulations. I learned the big envelope-belief isn’t always accurate.</p>

<p>man, but how pumped will you be if you see some gargantuan envelope in your mail box???</p>

<p>haha what if the UPS guy dropped off a monster package, the size of a refrigerator box, that said ACCEPTED in huge red letters on it?!!! </p>

<p>and then, when you opened it, a mariachi band popped out and sang an ode of congratulations to you ;)</p>

<p>^^ lol that would make me happy for so many reasons</p>

<p>I remember my friend got into USC some time ago…that letter was huuuge</p>

<p>I actually do hear that some schools even include fun freebies like pennants or bumper stickers! School spirit FTW!</p>

<p>MIT was suppose to have a super cool one last year</p>

<p>zfox001- every year, if you get in to MIT EA, you get a “tube”. it is literally a cardboard TUBE, with a bunch of really cool stuff inside. a letter of course. plus confetti, coupon for their bookstore, etc.</p>

<p>i’ve heard some ED schools send shirts with your acceptance. i hope i get in and get one and can wear it to school the next day…
rejection letters…hopefully i will not get any.</p>

<p>I got a letter from wilkes (safety schools with rolling admission ftw!) and it was a really thin envelope. I think they might just be cheap haha.</p>

<p>I’m looking forward to come big envelopes though :]</p>

<p>My son got a nice T shirt and then a sports bag from Hartwick. However he hasn’t applied there.</p>

<p>I kinda wonder what the first lines are of a letter to defer people too…</p>

<p>Congratulations! You suck!</p>

<p>-zero- - that is absolutely not true (unless of course we’re talking about MIT’s tube).</p>

<p>T-Shirts? Confettis??? Ahhhhhhh, those are such adorable things that I will feel even more pathetic when I get rejected</p>

<p>Dear Joshua:</p>

<p>Congratulations! Rensselaer’s Committee on Admissions is pleased to invite you to join the Rensselaer community as a member of the Class of 2013. You have every reason to be proud of your work and accomplishments, and we anticipate you reaching even greater heights at Rensselaer.</p>

<p>If I ran a college, my letters would be one word each:</p>

<p>Accepted: LOVER!!!
Rejected: LOSER!!!
Deferred: LATER!!!</p>