Acceptance rescinded for 1 bad grade/HELP

<p>Let me leave this here, Im not afraid of being revoked, I’m just looking for help around the system and maybe some future advice. Now onto the the situation.</p>

<p>This semester I received a D in AP Calculus. School ends in 1 week and I have a 67%. I have a chance to get a C but in the case that I don’t I need to know some information.</p>

<p>I SIR’d to UCSC (only other college I was accepted into was Davis, but this is irrelevant) and I’m affraid I will be unable to attend if I get a D for this semester. I have A’s and B’s in my other classes (One C in AP Physics).</p>

<p>Can I write them a letter explaining my grade? I don’t know what I would write if I could. My father has been in hospital on and off for the past 12 months for medical reasons, but I have been able to not let this interfere with my academic life. I dont really know why I have a D in Calc. I guess I just cant grasp the concepts.</p>

<p>So any chance? Or should I immediately tell them I will no longer be attending and try my hand at my local community college and attempt to transfer into a university after a couple years? </p>

<p>Please, I would like your thoughts, ideas, and advice! thank you</p>