<p>I'm a high school junior with a B average. I had a tough time (bloody divorce) last year and got one D; grades really plummetted. I take the most rigorous schedule possible though. How can I get in now? I am serious about Tulane.</p>
<p>What are your ACT/SAT scores?</p>
<p>I’m taking the SAT and ACT in March. My PSAT score was 1860. </p>
<p>I plan on getting at least 2100.</p>
<p>Also, I am visiting the campus next month; don’t know if it will help with admissions but I’m interested in seeing it.</p>
<p>can you give us a number for your GPA. Like on a 4 point scale or whatever system your school uses.</p>
<p>3.5 weighted </p>
<p>It should go up slightly with this semester’s grades (3.7)</p>
<p>And for senior year I’m taking a slightly easier course load so I can get A’s.</p>
<p>Someone I know got in with a 3.7 weighted, 31 ACT and got 17,000 in merit aid. He took rigorous courses senior year though --2 APsand 3 honors</p>
<p>Yeah, a 3.7 isn’t bad at all. I wouldn’t think that you would have much trouble getting in, that is, if you do get that 2100 that your shooting for. good luck</p>
<p>I received an applicant’s choice email from Tulane which offers automatic scholarships and no application fee. I have a 4.2 GPA (Higher than the average I think) and I got a 1950 on my PSAT which is exactly what I scored on my regular SAT. I am in all AP classes and in the top 5% of my class. It seems as though the rigor of your courses and GPA are the most important factors. SAT scores are so random anyway. I was confident that I would do well on a certain test and bomb another but it was the exact opposite. Colleges understand that SAT are not good indicators of college success rates.</p>
<p>i got in with like a 3.3 weightedd.
i think my personal statement was pretty incredible and i had solid community service ECs and good recs. i also really, really, really demonstrated interest by visiting, going to info nights, making sure my admission counselor knew who i was…
tulane loves involved kids.</p>