<p>After review of the final high school transcript UC SAN DIEGO with drew an acceptance for Fall 2009. This was due to a "D"(actually numerical grade was a 71) received in AP ENGLISH COMPOSITION during the first marking period of Senior Year. A medical circumstance existed which was brought under control. The students final grade was a "74". Does anyone have any experience with appealing and what was the outcome?</p>
<p>If there was a reason for that grade, due to some crucial moments that couldn’t be prevented, and you have all the information to appeal, then they will most likely accept your appeal and you will be accepted back.</p>
<p>If you appeal correctly and with gusto, it should work and you should be accepted back.</p>
<p>^Not trying to be rude… but how do you know that? have you ever heard of a successful appeal? Because personally I have not.</p>
<p>If you travel back some X thread in this section, there are a few rescinded topics that is similar to this. Most of them, from my memory either got back in or didn’t reply back. </p>
<p>It’s just an assumption I am giving from all the information I have been reading and what not.</p>