
<p>How long did it take everyone to hear back from UA after submitting their applications?</p>

<p>I applied on Sept. 26 and my transcript was received Oct. 2. They had my status online listed as 'a decision has been made' by Oct. 22, and I got the 'you're in' envelope the first or second day of November. Pretty good turnaround, and they don't even need your SATs to accept you. Just application, transcript, and essay.</p>

<p>Im getting kind of confused. I applied in late august yet they didnt get everything until October 6th when they sent me the letter saying that they had everything. I know people that applied when I did and got their transcripts mailed in when I did and they found out 2 weeks ago. I also called a few days ago and they said it would be around 2 more weeks. 2 more weeks? I've had it in for 2 months!</p>

<p>I think I read somewhere that they didn't even start releasing decisions until October 10th. My guess is that those with high enough stats and no coursework deficiencies got in right away, but for others they needed to read the essay, look at the extra curriculars, and whatever else they consider. I don;t know your case specifically, but that may be what has happened. Otherwise, they might just be drowning in paperwork (they get a LOT of apps). I don't know, but good luck.</p>

<p>Yeah, that isnt in my case at all, I clearly meet the qualifications and should be admitted. I just want to find out so I can get my housing app in since I plan on going to UofA next fall.</p>

<p>Look for them to say "decision made", and then I would keep calling. We had a similar problem last year, although my son didn't apply until early December. It seemed to take forever (early Feb), and we were worried that he would be low on the list for housing. They were nice about giving the decision over the phone so we could get going on the housing app.</p>

<p>I called UofA the other day and they told me that it would probably take 3 to 5 weeks from the date that I sent my transcripts out and submitted my application. It's been like 4 weeks, so I'm starting to get anxious. I just really want to get my housing forms in early so I get into the dorm I want!</p>