Acceptances 2015?

I had just auditioned for Western Michigan University’s MT program this past week at the Chicago Unifieds… I was wondering if anyone had any information on acceptances yet? And also how long it takes for them to get back to you with a decision??? Any info about the program would be great!

S auditioned on campus yesterday Their last audition is on March 6th, so they said a week or 2 after that

I auditioned at Western on Friday the13th (Ya, not the greatest day to audition for college) but to my surprise, I got my acceptance email today. They initially told my audition group that we wouldn’t hear about acceptances until the week of March 18th. But they could be accepting people gradually in the next week maybe. If not this week, it’ll be after spring break. But I do know that there is one more audition they’re doing.

@clio13 First of all Congrats!! I don’t mean to pry…but are you a guy or a gal. My daughter auditioned that day as well and we are really hoping for an acceptance. Do you know of anyone else who got an email? And just confirm, was this MT or straight theatre? Any insight would be helpful.

@MTmamaMI Thank you! and I am a guy and it was for MT. I don’t know of anyone else who has recieved an email yet. I know two girls who auditioned as well but as far as I know, they haven’t recieved anything. As I said in the previous post, they have one more audition and I already recieved my email. So they might do what Oakland University does and accept some early and then wait to accept the others after the last audition. At the february 13th auditions they said that they were sending emails the week after their spring break, so the week of March 16th. Other than that, I really don’t know anything else.

I’m a guy and I just got my acceptance for MT today!!! I’m so stoked!!! WMU is one of my top choices!!

@MTHopeful382 Congrats! Is WMU where you’ll be attending?

@Clio13 Yes I think so, I still have to visit the campus!! I’m going to visit this wednesday and I’m gonna watch a rehearsal for their production of Man of La Mancha. I’m so excited!

@Clio13 What about you? Are you think about going to WMU or somewhere else?

@MTHopeful382 I decided that I’m going to go to WMU! I’m really excited because I have heard great things about the program from friends and my dance teacher, whose son went to Western and he loved it! and when I visited last year everyone was so nice and their production of 9 to 5 was AMAZING! But ya, the campus is really nice but it does take about 10-20 minutes to get from one side to the other so that would suck to walk in when it’s raining or cold. My girlfriend goes there right now and she loves it so I’m just all together excited to be going there. A little piece of advice if you choose to go to WMU, when filling out the housing application if you haven’t already, choose Draper (Fine Arts Hall) as your number 1 pick or Western Heights Eor West (Newest Freshman Dorms) because the Valley’s are off campus, it has a lot of crime, and It’s the furthest away from Gilmore! You may already know that but I just like to tell everyone just incase they don’t know! haha