Acceptances and dates

I have yet to be given a decision for first notification 3.95 gpa and 31 act oos from Illinois. Does anyone know the next possible release day and also what are the stats of admitted students so I can have a comparison to help ease my worries.

All I can say is to relax and that your stats are at or near the top 25% of admitted students.

@badger23 It is tough to really predict the release days other than that they tend to be on Fridays, except for the one right before Christmas which was like a tuesday. I haven’t been notified yet either. In state, 3.90 gpa, 31 act.

Admitted oos Illinois found out yesterday at 7:45 pm. I have been watching this board for months and even went back to last years thread to try to find a pattern, didn’t work. Stats 30 ACT, 3.47 UW.

OK I sincerely congratulate you, uwknight, but WTF? I’m also oos Illinois. But I have a 31 ACT and 3.67 UW. 4.12 W. and I’ve heard nothing. I have pretty solid ECs and I’m sure my recommendations are also fine. I just have no idea why it’s taking so long to hear back and what their process is? There’s like 5 people from my school who also got in with lower ACTs.

D just got email last night and applied late October. We were also surprised it took so long. We are from Illinois as well

So I think we can all come to the conclusion that there is no pattern to the way the decisions are being released. That means that there is NO negative connotation to not hearing back yet. They waited until 3 days prior to the decision deadline to give me mine. Let’s all just take a deep breath and, as Franky say, relax.

Thanks rebecca83097, I know one of my classmates also applied but he didn’t hear anything yet. I applied on Oct. 15, and I was getting nervous like everybody else. I really thought I would hear something next on Jan 16, one way or another. It seems like decisions are later this year. Last year there were 20 pages by Dec. 13 when it seemed Illinois students really started to find out.

I’m sure you will get in with your stats. How many times did you visit Madison?
