Acceptances for Class of 2014?!?

<p>I got in last Monday, via text. Any other acceptances?</p>

<p>i got in, i got it in text, but i got mine at thanksgiving. i guess i’ll post my stats
GPA- UW-3.0, school doesnt weight
ECs-varsity sports, couple smaller things
-good recs generally, i think, good essay</p>

<p>Got in 3 days ago. Doubt that I’ll end up there but it was my first acceptance so it still feels pretty good!</p>

<p>Accepted! Definitely going! :slight_smile: How much longer until we receive the letters?</p>

<p>Accepted today.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.5 Weighted 3.88 unweighed
29 ACT Composite
3 year high school graduate (16 years old)
Gay male, discussed in personal essay.</p>

<p>Attending? Unlikely, unless they throw some big $$$ in my face.</p>

<p>got in a few weeks ago, received 11k in scholarship money. 33 on the ACT (although they only saw my 31) and a 3.6 weighted (dont even know unweighted). Tons of Extra circulars, i guess a good essay, I don’t think i submitted a recomendation? oh well.</p>

<p>Probably wont attend as it was a safety school, gotta love that free app! Seems like the free app is drawing a lot of people to just apply for a safety, can’t blame them but feel bad for kids that really do want to go there. I’m gonna apply for the full ride, if i get it and don’t get into my 2 first choices than it will be a difficult decision between free Loyola or pay and go to Tulane. We’ll see…</p>

<p>Why is the school such a safety for most? I’d heard it had a pretty good reputation? Anyone from around there able to compare LUC to UIC for me?</p>

GPA: 3.9 (my school doesn’t weight)
ACT: 31
SAT: 2140 (CR: 710 M: 630 W: 800)
ECs: Honors team in Academic Decathlon, NHS president, 4-H, varsity cross-country, soprano I in chorus (various leadership positions), piano, dance (ballet, lyrical, modern)
For the essay, I wrote a somewhat creative narrative. I’d say it was good, but I improved it considerably for the common app.
I’m assuming recs were good.
Not for sure going, but I’m definitely considering!</p>

<p>it is probably a safety because it does not have a reputation as good as somewhere like northwestern, but it is still a good school.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how it compares to University of Illinois Chicago? Because I was led to believe LUC had a better reputation in comparison, but now I’m doubting that…</p>

<p>loyola is ranked in tier 1 and UIC is tier 3 in the us news</p>

<p>Oh, okay I guess that clarifies a bit, though now I’m again wondering why so many consider it a safety.</p>

<p>that is a good question, but maybe it is more of a CC thing.</p>

<p>I’m at a boarding school so I put my home address as my permanent and my school as my mailing, but my mom still got my letter instead of me. Also, I didn’t get a text, email, call, or anything, I didn’t know until my mom opened the letter for me. But I also finished my application on Jan.28 and received my letter by Feb.5.
I’m really excited to have gotten in, but idk if I’m going to go, it’s my number 3.</p>

<p>My D was accepted a few weeks ago into the nursing program. Does anyone have any info on this program? I heard that it was a great school and she is seriously considering it. Still waiting for Villanova, Northeastern, and JMU nursing. Accepted by UCONN, URI, and La Salle University. Thanks</p>

<p>Accepted :slight_smile:
SAT: CR 720 M 670 W 770
SAT II: US His: 750 Lit: 720
GPA: 4.1
Major: Theater
lots of ECs but I don’t feel like posting them
I don’t know if I’ll end up there, but CONGRATS to everyone else who got in!!</p>