
<p>I know a lot of us have applied for 2012. Most of us have sent in our transcripts, ACT/SAT scores, etc. So, I was wondering once it shows up on myBama that Alabama has everything, how long would it take to see a decision on myBama or get a letter in the mail? I am very anxious for this!</p>

<p>Admissions said 7-10 days after they have everything.</p>

<p>Wow! That is very fast. I hope that’s true. Did you see that on Alabama’s website?</p>

<p>Nope I called the Office of Undergraduate Admissions</p>

<p>Well, my D will have to wait a few months. Her high school won’t process transcripts until school opens in the fall, and she needs a transcript for a community college class she’s taking now that is still ongoing. By the time all of her stuff is sent in, I’m sure admissions will be deluged with applications and no longer on a 7 to 10 day schedule. Hearing in the fall will still be good, though.</p>

<p>Yeah that’s kind of crappy her school isn’t open.</p>

<p>Beth’s mom:
Has your daughter submitted her application to UA already? She can do that first and have all her info at UA when her transcripts arrive.</p>

<p>Although, my son’s school did not officially open till after Labor Day, we went to the guidance office in early August (most school counselors begin work a month prior to school opening) and very nicely asked them to submit his transcripts early. They were happy to do so and excited that he was the first to apply to college that year and the first to get an acceptance back. Of course he could have saved all the time and effort of the additional 15 applications (and monies), since UA was his first acceptance and ultimately his college selection. However, it was very nice to be able to choose from so many fine colleges. :)</p>

<p>Don’t forget that a short thank-you note or a small token of appreciation is always a nice gesture for the person who sends out your transcript. We found that making friends with the guidance department personnel was a helpful strategy since he did so many applications.</p>

<p>Robotbldmom, thanks for the advice. Yes, D has applied already and UA has her application and her test scores. Unfortunately, her school must be used to the early requests, because they could not have been more adamant about the fact that they will not process transcripts prior to a stated date, no exceptions. Also, the GCs don’t start working again until one week before classes start and they don’t meet with students that week (they just field telephone calls regarding schedule changes). So there will be no transcript before school starts. We’re hoping that the high school’s typical 10 day processing time will be shorter if she’s one of the first requests, though.</p>

<p>Hate you have to wait for the high school BM – guess we were very fourtunate that our high school has admin/registar(sp?) all year. Had D go in last week of June and pay the $2 to have the transcrips mailed and UA got them on 1 July.</p>

<p>If I understand correctly, since your application has already processed and ready except for verifying transcripts, it will still be pretty quick once UA recieves the transcripts.</p>

<p>D (and I) did go ahead and apply for scholarships last night – and I have some questions that I will put in a stand alone thread that maybe UA Admissions can help with.</p>


<p>Beth’s mom, yes, I also got the standard answer that “the guidance officers were too busy and just taking phone calls etc.” But my son and I went to the school in person anyway and just made an appointment with the his GC. It did help (as I said) that we already had a good relationship with his guidance counselor but I have to say that it is the secretaries who usually do the requests and the GC just rubber stamps them. We had anticipated that and had also established good relationships with the other staff as well prior to the start of his senior year. However, you have to judge the merits of this approach yourself -as you do not want to “tick” off the guidance department staff, since you will be needing them for other applications as well. (I presume).</p>

<p>I only give this advice since others might benefit next year. Counselors are sometimes not that knowledgeable or too busy (my son’s school had over 600 graduates his year) so a personal relationship with one is a boon.</p>

<p>I catered in a breakfast for the counseling staff in early September of his senior year because I do believe that they do try their best and are under-appreciated by the students and parents.</p>

<p>Yeah, I have to wait like a month for my transcript to be available. :p</p>

<p>^^^Sorry, that you have to wait but it will still be one of your earliest decisions.</p>

<p>on the myBama page, where can you find out if your transcript or test scores have been received??</p>

<p>On left – check status of application… I think it is on home page. You can also go back into the UA page where you submitted application. Both will take you to the application you submitted, you click on it and at bottom it will give you a status.</p>

<p>thanx BamaAF</p>

<p>Just wondering, does anybody know if you can wait on putting down your gpa and class rank on the application and just let them find it out on the transcripts, or is the self-reporting part mandatory?</p>

<p>i see that most are excited about this university…but brief me how hot the UA is?</p>

<p>RunLax…feel free to estimate that data…schools know that you probably don’t know the exact numbers.</p>

<p>*…but brief me how hot the UA is? *</p>


<p>how hot? Do you mean in temp?</p>

<p>If so…</p>

<p>the first few weeks are hot. </p>

<p>Then, around mid-Sept, the weather becomes awesome…The South has gorgeous Fall weather. </p>

<p>Winters are more moderate than the Midwest or Northeast, but it does get cold.</p>

<p>Last year, we had some unusual weather with a few days of snow …that is not typical at all.</p>

<p>Spring is gorgeous again.</p>

<p>Most days are “Blue skies with Fluffy White Clouds”…even when it’s cold…so don’t look out a window to try to guess the temp.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how UA recalculated gpa?</p>

<p>Unless your school uses an odd system (like a 6.0 system), then Bama doesn’t recalculate.</p>

<p>Bama just takes the highest GPA that is on your transcript.</p>

<p>What is your situation?</p>

<p>What are your concerns???</p>