
<p>I thought this would be a good way to post when we get our notifications and what the decision is.</p>

<p>Decisions started going out last year on 10/29, so I assume they will be similar this year.</p>

<p>Any news yet?</p>

<p>Not for me! I’m out of state though and I applied towards the beginning of October, so I’m not expecting a decision for a few weeks at least. Hope some decisions start coming out soon!</p>

<p>My D also applied oos in early October. I guess we will have to wait a few more weeks then.</p>

<p>Reading through a thread from last year it sounded like when it said “Your application is being reviewed by one of our admission counselors” in the student center the decision usually came relatively soon. I sure hope that is the case.</p>

<p>@nickps I also read that from last years forum but my status has been like that for the last month, it was like that as soon as I had all my materials in. But hopefully we will all hear soon!?</p>

<p>^ Yes, the same here.</p>

<p>Same situation</p>

<p>I bet we will start hearing from them by Monday.</p>

<p>My status has been like that for 6 weeks!</p>

<p>Yeah I applied on August 9th and it has been like that since. All this waiting is killing me</p>

<p>I sent in my application on the 4th of October, but my status didn’t change to being reviewed by a counselor until about the 16th or 17th. Apparently ‘snail mail’ lived up to its name; it took about 10 days for my transcript to get to Wisconsin.</p>

<p>I heard that someone got their acceptance tonight so decisions must be going out! Fingers crossed for everyone!</p>

<p>Who’d you hear that from?</p>

<p>Someone on twitter!</p>

<p>fingers crossed, indeed! I don’t have much time until I’ll have to accept/decline OSU’s admission. :(</p>

<p>Was the person on twitter from Wisconsin?</p>

<p>Yep, they were from Wisconsin!</p>

<p>I’m guessing they probably had very good stats</p>