
<p>My son still waiting to hear. He is out of state - from Illinois - Chicago suburbs and applied Sept 20. Both parents alums of UW-Madison. Not sure if that helps with acceptance?</p>

<p>According to the CDS its ‘considered.’</p>

<p>dani0210: I don’t think so. I’m from the Chicago area and applied Sept. 6, and still haven’t heard yet either.</p>

<p>UW stats indicate legacy status is a nice bump for app. Much higher accept rate (76% v 49%) but does not indicate if average stats also were much higher.</p>

<p>Does legacy include having a sibling who already attends?</p>

<p>I’m crossing my fingers for out of state decisions this Friday…anyone else waiting from NJ?</p>

<p>yes!!! waiting from nj…</p>

<p>Me too waiting from north nj… Applied 10/4</p>

<p>I heard that decisions start coming out tonight at 8 pm… can anyone confirm or deny this? Or has anyone heard anything else?</p>

<p>I thought it would be the last friday (11/8) that more acceptance notice would be out. I guess the postponed deadline for application also shifted the announcement schedule. I bet we will hear many updates tonight.</p>

<p>I didn’t even consider that, but that’s probably the case (with the postponed deadline leading to a delayed schedule). It’s probably a good thing that I have a concert tonight to busy myself with, so I don’t waste my entire evening hoping for an email!</p>


<p>This is a representative from UW-Madison Office of Admissions and Recruitment. Since we have a rolling admissions process, decisions are made daily. For students that applied for the Spring 2014 semester, the deadline to receive a decision is the end of December. Freshman applicants that applied by the first notification deadline for the Fall 2014 term are guaranteed to hear a decision by the end of January. Freshman applicants that applied by the second notification deadline for the Fall 2014 term are guaranteed to hear a decision by the end of March. Transfer applicants that applied for the Fall 2014 term are guaranteed a decision by the end of April. Please continue to check your Student Center, as the Student Center will have the most up-to-date status of your application.

<p>For fun while we wait…for the OOS candidates only…I went back to last year’s threads (slow day today) and calculated the rough stats for those ACCEPTED, DENIED, and WAITLISTED. There were 21 ACCEPTED, 7 DENIED (of course this makes sense as denied folks won’t normally post stats), and 12 WAITLISTED.</p>

<p>Stats using Wisconsin’s simple 4.0 UW GPA approach:</p>

<p>IN…30-31 ACT (I converted SAT’s) and 3.7-3.8 UW GPA with Good ExtraC’s

<p>WAITLISTED…29-30 ACT with 3.4-3.5 and Averagte ExtraC’s.
***BEST STATISTICAL CANDIDATE…33/3.5. twice and 31/3.8 with a sketch 3.8</p>

<p>DENIED…27-28 ACT and 3.5-3.6 GPA.
***BEST DENIAL…3.6/29 or 3.3/30.</p>

<p>Just for fun as many of us wait this out…</p>

<p>any decisions out of state yet?!</p>

<p>I got a rejection today in NY</p>

<p>I’m sorry to hear that saitorider. Has anyone else heard anything? I was checking social medias and it seems no one has received any acceptances.</p>

<p>Nothing from California, yet</p>

<p>i’m sorry to hear that saitorider :frowning: better things lie ahead for you…would you mind posting your stats? still haven’t heard of anyone getting decisions! so anxious :/</p>

<p>I’m sorry about that, saitorider. </p>

<p>No news for me…It’s strange that there have been so few decisions today. Wonder why we haven’t heard much for out of state yet?</p>

<p>Out of state. Heard my decision today and I got in. I am a transfer student though.</p>