
<p>Accepted OOS…Missouri high school…</p>

<p>34 ACT
3.63 UW
State champ tennis team
Eagle Scout
Tons of volunteer</p>

<p>Is anyone else getting an error message when trying to view the decision letter pdf?</p>

<p>No decision for me. . . NJ, applied 10/4.</p>

<p>Anyway, I obviously don’t have a decision letter to view but when I went into ‘notifications’, I couldn’t view my application acknowledgment either; I get an error.</p>

<p>Accepted oos - ny</p>

<p>Sat 2290/1510
GPA 96 uw</p>

<p>how do i get to see the actual letter? it says go to notification page</p>

<p>The notifications link is in the student center</p>

<p>Hi guys!
I got accepted yesterday; however, I indicated my major as Business and want to be considered as a direct admit to the School of Business. </p>

<p>I know that people who aren’t considered as a BBA direct admit will not be told except I was wondering if the decision for direct admit was also released with the decisions yesterday. </p>


<p>I was just postponed on friday and im wondering why
SAT combined-2000
GPA-91.8 UW 95 W almost all AP and Honors classes
Top 10% rank in my High School
I have been on the dance team for 11 years and I have tons of community service that I have participated in.
Can someone chance me for my likeliness of still being admitted and tell me why I might have been deferred.</p>

<p>my D also accepted and indicated business and did not hear anything yet …how does this process work? what is the timing? thanks!</p>

<p>If regular admissions thinks you may qualify for the DA program for business they forward your info to the SOB admissions person and they will send you an info request.</p>

<p>[Wisconsin</a> BBA Direct Admit Program](<a href=“]Wisconsin”></p>

<p>Still no word from Chicago. I applied September 6th, and I was really hoping they would respond before Thanksgiving as they have in the past. Either way though, I don’t expect to get in haha.

<p>OOS Chicagoland Suburbs
GPA 4.73/5.0 Weighted
ACT 33(32 read, 32 eng, 34 math, 34 sci)
Took AP…
US history
Computer science

<p>Involved in multiple clubs, 3 of them closed club. </p>

<p>NHS member.</p>

<p>Involded in Drama/Theater </p>

<p>Applied to Engineering </p>

<p>… The lady who came to my school pretty much told us people from my school wernt getting in this year. (Even though it a top school in state?..)</p>

<p>accepted from Miami, FL </p>

<p>Applied November 5th, accepted November 22 </p>

<p>3.1 unweighted
4.36 weighted </p>

<p>2110 SAT single, forgot to send the second one </p>

<p>took 12 APs, the rest honors</p>

<p>from competitive private school </p>

<p>White male</p>

<p>Didn’t really have many extracurriculars, had like 200 community service hours, business club, 3 sports but only freshman/sophomore year</p>

<p>Speak 4 languages, moved to US when I was 7</p>

<p>@SleeplessInChic …pretty sure you’re getting in based on your stats. You’re above their standards. I don’t think they discriminate against schools, haha. I’m from the Chicago suburbs too. Now you got me worried.</p>

<p>Accepted on Friday night!!! Best feeling in the world :)</p>

<p>@dani0210 … I would hope I get in but the lady said that we could be very good contenders and still not get in simply because they have an insufficient amount of space. If this is the reason it would suck because Madison is my favorite school (even though some schools I’m applying to are better for engineering — not much better though. It’s all relative).
But honestly… Who doesn’t love Madison?</p>

<p>Still waiting to hear in Chicagoland suburbs. SleeplessinChic, just curious to know which HS?</p>

<p>Is it more difficult to get accepted to the school if you put your major as business?</p>

<p>@SleeplessInChic, if you don’t get in this time, apply again as a sophomore. You’ll have a much better chance of getting in…and if it’s really your dream school, it will be worth the wait. Good luck for this year though, based on your stats I would think your chances are pretty good ;)</p>

<p>@GoBucky333 – I’m a student at Hinsdale Central High School.</p>

<p>Still waiting in Chicago suburbs, RBHS.</p>