
Does anyone know when Western Michigan notifies?

In past years, the MT department has typically made a few offers shortly after each audition, on a rolling basis. At some point, I think shortly after the final audition, waitlist notifications have gone out. As offers are declined, offers have been made those on the waitlist throughout April.

In the past, if you didn’t get a callback to dance later in the day at your audition, then you weren’t going to get an offer.

Thank you. My D auditioned in Chicago and its been so quiet. Guess we wait another week and hurry to visit if she nears a yes or WL. Since no one is discussing it, I really don’t have any sense of how this might turn out. She has said from the beginning that her audition went well. But not hearing a peep makes you doubt it all.

Do they generally send the notification to the western assigned email address? Also they mentioned at the last audition date they would start making decisions tuesday, does this possibly mean notifications will come out then?

They sent my d’s acceptance to the email address that she provided when she registered to audition (the one on her resume), which was her personal email account from Yahoo or whatever. I think that Jay also called or texted her, but my memories are a little hazy after 3 years.

Sorry I can’t be of more help, I would call the department if you haven’t heard by April 1.

I want to hear back so badly

@BFAboi I completely understand. When it’s this quiet, it just feels wrong. My daughter is waiting anxiously.

D was accepted via phone call then followed up with an email. All subsequent follow up has been via email. D needs to get out to visit. Pretty sure she’s going to miss another week of school with visits!

When did she audition?

Great, @artskids! That’s good news! Did you hear today or in the past?

Got acceptance via email at 3:48 today

@BFAboi, congrats!


What do the acceptance emails look like? Is it like the one received when you’re accepted to the university. I got an acceptance to the university soon after I auditioned but I assumed that was just for the college not for the major since it was so soon. So does the other email look the same or is it different? Thank you

D heard around the third week in February that she had an offer. She auditioned at Chicago Unifieds. She received a follow up email from Jay Berkow.

My D has still heard nothing. Not great. We will be in the area next week so it would be good to know something this week. Fingers crossed.

I believe the deadline for notifications is April 1, 2018. My D received her acceptance from WMU 2 days ago and she’s THRILLED!!! Good luck to your D. :slight_smile:

@hooper37 @BFAboi & @artskids Congratulations! My D is a freshman MTP at Western Michigan this year (thanks in large part to the wonderful information from @EmsDad) but I would be happy to answer any questions you may have as well, and I know my daughter would be happy to talk to any of next years freshmen!

It was because of @EmsDad posts that it ended up on my D’s list. Once D is back next week, I am going to have her reach out to some current students. We are also trying to schedule a visit for the week of April 9. They want her answer by April 15.

It was because of @EmsDad posts that it ended up on my D’s list. Once D is back next week, I am going to have her reach out to some current students. We are also trying to schedule a visit for the week of April 9. They want her answer by April 15.