Accepted as an accounting major but i want to switch...

<p>to a biology major. will tcnj let me do this because i know when u applied u had to list ur major</p>

<p>I know you can definitely switch but that is the hardest program to switch into, you will have to call them up and ask. If anything you can switch once you get to campus</p>

<p>yes that’s correct i am a future biology major and when I went to accepted students day the presenter said that although it is theoretically possible to transfer into the program it is going to be EXTREMELY difficult to do so this year. So anyone who thought they were being smart by applying for an easier to get into department with the intent of transferring may be in a little bit of trouble. Of course that doesn’t mean it isn’t entirely impossible and I already know one person who appealed to the college and got into the program (however this person appealed as soon as they received their acceptance). I’d still definitely contact them and try to switch. Even if you can’t get in now it would be good to maintain contact to let them know you’re interested and that bio is what you want to study.</p>

<p>Did you hear anything about undecided students? I am undecided in the School of Science, and I plan on most likely becoming a bio major eventually. If you have to compete just to declare your major then that is ■■■■■■■■!</p>

<p>Did you aply for open option science? According to the guy it will be difficult for anyone to get into the program as it is already so full. He said that goes for anyone thinking of transferring from another major as well as open option science. I almost applied under open science and now I’m glad I didn’t as bio most likely would have been my choice. It does seem kind of ridiculous. If you are accepted open option science you should at least be guaranteed a spot in ANY of the science programs (excluding engineering). The title “open option” is very deceiving but I guess that’s one of the risks of applying undecided.</p>

<p>Yes I did, I’m open options in the school of science. How could that be allowed? It is like them not letting you declare what major you want!!??</p>

<p>I know it sounds stupid. I hope for your sake the man misunderstood the question and gave false information. If it is called open option you should have and open option. I guess you could contact them and ask, and remember there’s a good chance people will probably transfer out of the program as well.</p>