<p>i got in, but i didnt get into the honors program and i was thinking i had a good shot at it. do they review ea applicants again during reg decision for the honors program? is there anything i’d need to do to see if i could get in to it.</p>
<p>Your honors program acceptance letter is the same as your admission letter, there is no different letter. You can apply to the honors program after your freshman year if you have good grades. Contact Mark O’Connor, the director of the program (<a href=“mailto:mark.oconnor.1@bc.edu”>mark.oconnor.1@bc.edu</a>), or Timothy Duket (<a href=“mailto:timothy.duket.1@bc.edu”>timothy.duket.1@bc.edu</a>) about program. Also, address them as professor [blank] in your email. Email etiquette is a premium with professors.</p>
<p>If you did not get honors in EA, can you send in a letter asking to be considered during the RD pool. What if RD pool is less qualified and it might be a fit at this point. Lots of students on this board with honors, and some have similar stats - do you know the deciding factors?</p>
<p>“If you did not get honors in EA, can you send in a letter asking to be considered during the RD pool…”
-You can ask but they won’t take you via RD if they haven’t done so already. A few exceptional students might appeal the decision and get in their freshman year. I know of one case. One of my roommates had a 1420 SAT score (out of 1600), graduated second in his class, and got into Cornell, Georgetown, and Northwestern (even showed me the admissions letters, which he also showed the administrators), but didn’t get into BC Honors and was a little angry. He appealed and was let in. Most of the BC Honors usually get into other fantastic schools, Duke, UNC, Berkeley, Penn, etc. So if you are competitive at those places, then you stand a good chance of getting into BC Honors.</p>
<p>“What if RD pool is less qualified and it might be a fit at this point.”
- The Honors Program admits the top 5% of the incoming class so there is never a “less qualified” pool. If you are in the top 5%, then you are in. Your stats might be lower than that of the previous year’s class or higher, it doesn’t matter. Just top 5%.</p>
<p>“do you know the deciding factors?”
- “ABOUT 140 STUDENTS enter the Program annually [out of 2250 freshmen, or roughly 6%–they take a few more students than 5% just in case some of the students get off the waitlist of Harvard.] They generally have combined SAT’s in the range of 1450 (out of 1600) and are usually in the top 5% of their high-school classes, though we try hard to hunt out the off-beat students who may not score as well but who have several years of Greek or have founded literary journals or worked at interesting jobs or have earned unusual recommendations from their high-school teachers. Superior first-year students are also admitted to the Honors Program as sophomores each year, on the recommendation of instructors in their first-year courses”
[About</a> A&S Honors Program - Boston College](<a href=“http://www.bc.edu/schools/cas/honors/about.html]About”>Morrissey College of Arts & Sciences | Boston College)</p>
<p>Reddune - My daughter is ranked in top 1% of her high school (5th out of 517), ACT of 34(which converts to over 1500 for her SAT), national merit commended, 4.0 UW GPA, good EC’s. How do you suppose she did not get invited to honors? 3 AP’s.
Should she just wait to see how her first year goes?</p>
<p>I am with you worried mom, My D had a 33 ACT 3.97 UW (4.66 weighted with honors & AP) 7AP thru Junior year and 4 this year. By the way, she is just thrilled to be accepted EA, but when you read some of the other scores and acceptances into honor, you start to compare (human nature I guess). So the question about RD pool still makes you wonder if they applied RD would they have been accepted into honors?</p>
<p>Do you think it is possible that only students who have taken SAT’s are considered for honors program? So far don’t remember seeing anyone invited with ACT scores only but will go back and check again. I agree with sbrownell - my daughter was thrilled just to get accepted EA but it does make one wonder.</p>
<p>Worried mom, your daughter’s case is similar to my roommate’s. I was completely surprised when I learned he was not in the HP originally. I honestly believe that somebody in the admissions office has messed. There is no rational explanation why a 34 ACT student with 4.0 GPA shouldn’t be invited. I strongly advise your and sbronwell’s to appeal and email the professors I mentioned above. I am very very sure they will invite her in. I can’t recommend the HP enough, it was pure pleasure to be a part of it. I have no doubt that if your daughter ask, BC will see its error and invite her to join.</p>
<p>Thanks reddune. Will do and will let you know what happens.</p>