Accepted Class of 2010(we too have to start one)

<p>Name: Ian
location: D.C.
Hobbies: Soccer, Guitar, drawing, and eating
Hoping to Major in: Biochemistry or Chemistry
Favorite Food: Everything that tastes good.(ice-cream. is it a food or drink? this is a tricky question)
Going to Open House: April 9th and 10th
How would you describe yourself: Outgoing and shy at times(especially in front of the ladies, but once you get to know me, you will have fun lots of fun)
What rank(1=hight to 10=low) would you give Colorado College(CC) on your college list: I would give CC number 1 or 2.
SN: Leakyrex1</p>

<p>Please post in this format or any other way but include the questions.</p>

<p>Name: Katherine
location: TEXAS
Hobbies: volleyball, eating (common hobby), reading, hanging out with friends
Hoping to Major in: Biology
Favorite Food: i love all food...especially oriental
Going to Open House: possibly, im not sure yet
How would you describe yourself: happy, outgoing, randomly crazy, friendly
What rank(1=hight to 10=low) would you give Colorado College(CC) on your college list: 1 or 2
SN: KatherineD056</p>

<p>Name: Jordan
location: Texas
Hobbies: Hockey, Golf, Ceramics, Techy stuff
Hoping to Major in: Not completely sure, probably Biology, I intend to be premed.
Favorite Food: Chipotle owns me... there better be one in colorado springs... that could be a make or break decision
Going to Open House: Maaaybe.... April 9th and 10th... i'll have to miss my final hockey game and two pretty important days of schools.... so i duno if its worth it, but i really want to meet everyone that may be going next year.
How would you describe yourself: A little less outgoing than i should be, easy to get along with, fun
What rank(1=hight to 10=low) would you give Colorado College(CC) on your college list: 1,2 or 3 ... can't say for sure until i visit. That and i'm hoping to squeeze some more financial aid out of them as my other schools have offered me somevery generous scholarships.
SN: flashback0422</p>

<p>edit: going to open house april 9-10 =)</p>

<p>I forgot some of the questions, but let's give it a whirl-</p>

<p>Name: Tyler
Location: Atlanta, GA
Major(s)...?: International Political Economy, Chinese/Japanese
Foods: Oh man, I can never resist a good fondue. haha. But really, when I'm hungry, I'll reach for whatver's within my grasp.
Hobbies: Soccer, theater, guitar/singing (even though I'm horrific)
What I hope to accomplish: SKI! and ski some more.</p>

location: Tucson, Arizona
Hobbies: playing music (violin), listening to music, good reading, hiking, climbing, movies, chilling with friends
Hoping to Major in: International Relations or Environmental Science
Favorite Food: Thai, Indian, Mexican
Going to Open House: Nope, but I'm going to visit later in the month.
How would you describe yourself: energetic, passionate, individual, friendly
What rank(1=hight to 10=low) would you give Colorado College(CC) on your college list: Probably 2 (deciding mostly between CC & Vassar, with Reed & Tufts in the mix as well)
SN: trianglet417</p>

<p>Name: David
location: Texas
Hobbies: Football, Politics, Movies
Hoping to Major in: History, Int'l Relations or Political Science
Favorite Food: Seafood and burritos (Chipotle)
Going to Open House: nope, i visited in February.
What rank(1=hight to 10=low) would you give Colorado College(CC) on your college list: 1 or 2.
SN: Dmtitans87</p>

<p>feel free to IM me</p>

<p>Name: Danni
Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming
Hobbies: Music - Choir, Orchesra (Violin), Dance, Reading, Skiing, Tennis, Writing, being with friends
Major: ??? (Social Sciences or Humanities...)
Favorite Food: Ice cream, Pizza, Tacos, Hamburgers - Junk food, basically
Describe Myself: Small, funny, friendly, absent-minded, creatively witty
CC Rank: 3
SN: dannibanannie
Open House: Went April 9 & 10</p>

<p>Have you all made your decision whether or not you are going to CC?</p>

<p>i am going there for sure</p>

<p>uhh not yet...basically waiting until the last</p>

<p>Doing the same - probably won't decide until April 30. I'm deciding between CC and St. Olaf.</p>

<p>who all went to the open house this past weekend? what did yall think</p>

<p>I went. It was pretty cool. The campus is nice, and Pikes Peak in the background doesn't hurt. I found the people to be rather friendly, but a bit eccentric. Although, I wish I went to a different class Monday morning - hyperbolic geometry wasn't too enthusing. Overall, it was a good experience. You?</p>

<p>I am definitely going to cc next year. I really enjoyed the open house, thats wat decided whether i was going there or not</p>

<p>aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i love it</p>

<p>I visited thursday(spent the night), and my host offered to let me stay with him friday night also. I had sooo much fun, CC students really enjoy any bit of free time(weekends) that they have, and there are definitely some crazy(not a bad thing) people there, and the "prospy" weekend sounded like even more fun and i heard plenty of ridiculous stories about it.</p>

<p>anyway I really really like the school, i think maybe even more than trinity which i also really liked.... but as it stands its $43k/yr(CC) versus $25k/yr(trinity).... i have a final chat w/ financial aid tomorrow and i really really hope they can tell me something good, to everyone thats going, i envy you! for now....</p>

<p>outside of financial aid i don't exactly feel 100% on the sciences(mainly ochem) being very doable on the block schedule... but i've got lots of names and emails of people i'm going to be checking with on this more</p>

<p>who all has decided yet?</p>

<p>ugh still not parents gave me a deadline of this thursday.</p>

<p>same deal for me... thursday is THE day.... looks like i'm probably going to trinity though, just too good of a deal... maybe cc will do some bargaining at the last minute</p>

<p>yeah..trinity is seriously my favorite school, sadly its right down the street and i really should leave san antonio. its an awesome school and its a ton of fun i would definately recommend it.</p>

<p>Hey everyone! I've decided to do a winter start at CC. I love the school too much to go anywhere else, but I'm looking forward to a free semester.
Name: Sara
Location: California
Hobbies: reading, writing, swimming, going to the movies
Hoping to major in: English with a heavy dose of creative writing
Favorite food: Chocolate.
Open House: I went on April 10th for the day and spent a couple of days in Colorado Springs. I had a blast!
Describe yourself: very loyal and friendly, a little shy with a great love of having fun
Rank: 2ish
SN: PinkFoam43</p>

<p>I'm so excited to meet everyone! I wish I'd found this place earlier...</p>