Accepted ED but little communication thereafter...

<p>My son was also accepted ED to Engineering at Tech. We haven’t received anything in the mail since that initial packet that came around December 15th. However, he has received several emails from the Engineering Department. At least one was welcoming him to the program, and there were several about the engineering scholarships. It does make me wonder if there is a problem with your son’s email address.</p>

<p>hi fenwaysouth and welcome to Hokie nation. First I want to thank you for your responses to my questions regarding being an injured athlete and how to handle notification to coaches. And second, I am hoping I can return the favor and answer your questions regarding VT. My daughter is a sophomore civil engineering major and member of Hypatia.</p>

<p>I found during the application process that VT didn’t go out of its way to sell you on the school. There seems to be a very low key approach to attracting students (unlike the more hard sell of PSU). But once your son is actually attending, I don’t think you will be disappointed with the experience. I find communication to be excellent, especially during orientation. </p>

<p>My daughter was accepted RD Engineering but almost instantly was contacted by Hypatia and invited to come down for a weekend. One example of how VT, which started out low key and not proactive, turned out to be very proactive and interested in accepted students. In comparison, PSU’s women in engineering group never contacted DD and never responded to requests to attend a class. One student did take time to meet with us and was personally very generous with her time but the univeristy itself was terrible with responding to our questions.</p>

<p>So my recommendation mirrors the other posters. VT is a wonderful school and we’ve been so pleased with our DD’s experience there. Academically, socially, preparation for interviews, availability of internships, job fairs - it has all been so positive. She actually has landed her “dream” internship for this coming summer.</p>

<p>An update to close out this thread…</p>

<p>My freshmen son is very happy at VT. His parents are very happy with his choice. The bottom line was the communication & information started rolling in after RD (not ED when he was accepted.). Orientation was excellent. Our expectation was that information would become available sooner as was the case with our older son who attends another school. The information available after RD was what we were looking for and exactly what the more experienced VT posters said it would be. Thank you. VT just has a different way of doing things than what we previously experienced. Our bottom line is my son is loving VT, and getting involved in lots of things. We’ve visited him last weekend, and went to a football game Saturday. We love visiting him on a Friday, as there are many things (hiking) to do when he isn’t available. Every day, I learn something new about VT and I like it more and more.</p>

<p>Thanks for the great update, fenwaysouth! So glad to hear you and your son are very happy.</p>

<p>Thanks for the update and I’m glad to hear your son is doing well and that you are happy with the school. </p>

<p>Even with DD1 in her junior year, we continue to be very happy with her experience there. The above mentioned “dream” internship actually far exceeded expectations and she has just be offered a second summer internship with the same company. We’re hoping that our DD2 will also be a Hokie come September.</p>