Accepted in UCSB but wait listed in UCSC

My son (4.0GPA) just got accepted to UCSB and CSUSD.
To our surprise he didn’t get admission to UCSC but wait listed.
Is there anybody having the same situation?

I’m just still wating for the decision of ucsc

Is he a transfer applicant?

Accepted as Freshman

He applied for freshman

I think UCSC waitlisted a lot of kids. I have identical twins, one waitlisted for both, one accepted at both. Similar stats. Many of their friends were surprised to be waitlisted at UCSC.

Do you mean San Diego State University (SDSU)?

Do you know what major your son applied for at each school?

He is in a great situation. Acceptances at 2 wonderful schools.

Each school looks for different things in an applicant. SDSU focuses mainly on academics but the UC’s use 13 areas of criteria to review their applicants. UCSB thought he was a good fit based on their criteria so he was accepted. Waitlist at UCSC still means he is a competitive applicant but other students might be a better fit based on their criteria.

No one size applicant fits all the schools.

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Yes I meant San Diego State!
He applied as undeclared since he’s still trying to figure out what he wants to be