Accepted into GSP rather than CAS

<p>IF you get Accepted into GSP rather than CAS can you still do pre med????</p>

<p>i’m not sure, I would assume so…
but, did you already hear that you’re in GSP?</p>

<p>lol no, i just said it so it would get peoples attention</p>

<p>yeah you can be pre-med in LSP (not GSP).</p>

<p>so how would they automatically place me in lsp?</p>

<p>when they think you aren’t ready yet for CAS.</p>

<p>You’d be told in your acceptance letter if you got LSPed. It means you have to take other courses for at most 2 years. If you do well enough at NYU, you can get on your way to pre-med after a semester or 2.</p>

<p>I am currently a freshman in LSP doing pre-med. The simple answer is YES, you can do pre-med. But dont plan on majoring in Biology or another hard science. The way the LSP classes are placed out, you dont really take your first science class until your spring semester of your freshman year…so it is difficult to major in something like Bio.</p>

<p>^ That’s not true, some of my LSP pre-med friends are taking Bio right now! (first semester). But LSP is a pain in the a$$ with class selections. Of course you can go on to do any major after LSP, but it’s harder. Like I’m an Econ major and it was a hassle for me to take an Econ class!</p>

<p>So is LSP basically the old GSP?</p>

<p>Yes of course it is the same thing, they just renamed the program from General Studies to Liberal Studies. They change the name of things at NYU a lot. The only difference is now they’ve added a 4 year major to LSP, called Global Liberal Studies. But GSP is just the old name for LSP. I guess it causes some confusion</p>