Accepted into the Wrong College?

<p>I just realized I made a huge mistake. I applied to Penn State and just got accepted, but looking back at my letter I realize I applied to the wrong college. I got into the Division of Undergraduate Studies as an undeclared major, when in reality I meant to apply as a political science major in the College of Liberal Arts. I've emailed the admissions office about this situation, but what can I expect their response to be? Just stick it out? Will I be able to transfer colleges immediately, or will I have to go through the entire application process again? This was really stupid on my part.</p>

<p>sugarpop, i am currently a freshman at penn state and applied dus last year (on purpose, lol) but when you go for your ftcap (first year testing, counseling, and advising program), you will have a chance to talk to an adviser who can change your intended major easily</p>

<p>But because I’m registered as "undecided’ at DUS, will I be able to just switch to a completely different college? </p>

<p>I got an email saying my message had been forwarded to someone else, but the admissions office hasn’t officially replied yet. I hope they’ll allow me to just switch.</p>

<p>You can swtich to any college you want, its called changing your major and its perfectly normal thing to do. Don’t worry about it now, you can easily have it done at ur FTCAP where you schedule your classes.</p>

<p>But I don’t think you could transfer into something like Engineering or Smeal right away, could you? I thought some colleges and majors have minimum transfer requirement to get into their college,</p>

<p>Well your not actually declaring your major officially until you reach junior status or sophomore standing (I forget at the top of my head) so it would make sense to transfer at FTCAP so you could get an advisor in that college who knows more of the major reqs and help you schedule. Some majors/colleges (ex: finance @ Smeal or Bio @ Eberly) require a certain sequence of classes to be completed w/ a certain GPA in order for you to declare those majors. Yes, I know that Smeal at least has a limit on the # of students admitted to the major, but that is in the junior year, and pretty much is based on GPA. I am not sure about engineering, I would think that the sequence of classes req. by engineers is enough of a weed-out to reduce the class to a smaller size.</p>

<p>Yes Engineering is about the same, some have GPA requirements and all need certain classes. I don’t think youll have a problem with poly sci. tho.</p>

<p>You can enter any college you want tehre is no restriction on that, its the entrance to a major reqs. that you need to worry about come your late soph/jr. year.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help guys. I spoke to admissions and they agreed to the switch easily, as someone above said they would.</p>