Accepted? Navigating from now until Move In

Congrats. Here’s some info on navigating VT leading up to move in day:

Get that housing contract done early, and start looking for roommate matches.

Go with the lowest meal plan. You can always add Flex Dollars if it starts to run low. That way you’re not buying cartons of rice crispies at the end of spring semester to spend out the remaining flex $ that doesn’t roll over.

Don’t want to send your kid to school with a bunch of cash, or concerned about how they will spend? Load money into their HokieSpa student account. it’s accepted everywhere on campus and at lots of restaurants, grocery store, etc. off campus just like a debit card. There’s a list online (dining services page I believe) of off campus stores, etc. that take it.

Trying to figure out what res hall you want? Google “GitHub VT floorplans” - archived res hall layouts with room #'s so you can try and find the slightly larger rooms.

Have your student set you up with guest access and FERPA passcode. Now that it’s official, many depts. won’t discuss inquiries with parents without the passcode.

Kid interested in season tix for football? Tell them to sign up early. They were all sold out by July 3 last year. They can still get single game lottery tix though.

Make hotel reservations early for Orientation and Move In (and any other special events for that matter… everything books pretty quickly).

Make sure their guidance dept. sends final transcripts to VT. Ditto on any DE coursework from community colleges.

Be prepared for DE/Transfer credits to not all show up on VT transcript right away if you check. They get flooded with transcripts in May/June. (Son’s didn’t appear on VT transcript until July).

Per above - make sure you bring a hard copy of all transcripts with you to orientation. If there is AP/IB, or DE credit that you know will transfer, talk with your student so they know what Gen Ed (Pathways) or other courses those credits cover. Advising is going to already have plugged in courses prior to their session at orientation, so student will need to know if a course is already covered by transfer credits.

Pack your patience for Orientation. You will be surprised at the abundance of parents who have not read VT’s website and who will ask a lot of seemingly very basic questions. It’s 1 1/2 days with a lot of info.

Check out the list of vendors (housing & residence life page) for dorm room stuff. The clamp-on nite stand and hutch pieces from College Savers are really popular/useful and you can rent or buy. Vendors bring the stuff right to campus for move in. Campus Market sells a lot of stuff too, but reviews have been iffy. We got a rug from them that gets delivered right to the res hall.

Bed Bath and Beyond, Best Buy, Walmart, Target are all in Christiansburg, less than 20 minutes away with traffic.

Also check out the VT Facebook page for free and for sale stuff.

Parents, enjoy chaos? Then move in day is for you! Don’t stay too long, and try not to cry until you get in the car to go home.

@ShenVal18 You ROCK!! You are my favorite parent. Thank you SO MUCH for all of this great info. I’m going to save it in a pdf :))

Glad to be of help.

Thank you, this is helpful. Times have changed since I was there!

@ShenVal18 Thanks! a LOT. I was collecting all the college information from Friends, Facebook, Googling. I was able to collect only 2/3 of the information for a week of work. As an immigrant and first kid is going college I was really worried.
You Saved My Day.

VT has a ton of good info on their student affairs, housing, and dining sites but you have to really drill down sometimes to get to it. From personal experience I can say that if you can’t find an answer, give them a call. Those 3 departments have some extremely helpful staff.