Accepted need help

<p>S was accepted. He has "ADHD", CC's block program is a good fit for him.
The only thing is he is looking to be in either business or engineering field in the future. Does anybody know CC has any good programs for these two

<p>Since CC is a liberal arts school, there isn't any school of engineering, but the link to their economics and business department is attached.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>congrats to your son. I feel well equipped to respond. When I was at the open house in october, I did a class visit with another kid who ended up talking to a guy (both of them have ADD). The guy currently attending said it was great and profs understand. (I think this person had someone legitimatley taking a hard copy of notes for him as well). Also, I looked at 20 something schools and decided I wanted liberal arts. However, I knew a wanted a school with a good business program since all the other liberal arts schools just had "economics." Part of why I chose CC is the fact they have a joint program and pre professional advising. I can't speak to engineering though. Good luck, and GO CC 2011!</p>