Accepted/rejected Stats-accel. Med. Programs

<p>Accelerated Medical Program Student Stats</p>

<p>This thread is primarily to help out those in future years. (started by Jabez)</p>

<p>Many different colleges have their own mini sites where they post stats of the various accepted, rejected, and waitlisted candidates on it. And I remember being an avid applicant and visiting the multiple links for colleges, scanning to see the stats of those who applied to their respective schools' programs; a task, I remember, nerve-racking and annoying. So, I'm creating this thread so that the many different CCers can compile their stats for programs. Although there are "IMPORTANT" Threads for the major programs--HPME, Psu, UIC, etc--there is no unified one for the smaller ones, besides their scattered decision ones. And so, please post your stats, ec, essay topic (generally, if you feel comfortable; just because I remember struggling to write the ideal "medical school" essay.), and other stats. If you do not feel comfortable using your current CC name, please make another one for confidentiality. Please. </p>

<h2>For future applicants, I hope this thread takes off and will be successful enough for you to actually use effectively. Good luck! </h2>

<p>The following format (modified; Please remove the spaces after the "[" to corrently use the format):</p>

<p>[ b]Stats:[ /b][ list]
[ *] SAT I (by section):
[ *] SAT IIs:
[ *] ACT:
[ *] APs:
[ *] IBs:
[ *] GPA, Weighted and Unweighted:
[ *] Rank:
[ *] Senior Yr Courseload:
[ *] Number of Apps from Your School:
[ *] Other stats (AMC, AIME, USAMO, USABO, etc):</p>

<p>[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] ECs listed on app:
[ *] Job/Work Experience:
[ *] Essays (subject and responses; Why do you want to be a doctor):
[ *] Teacher Recs:
[ *] Counselor Rec:
[ *] Interview(s) (In general):
[ *] Research/Research Awards: </p>

<p>[ /list][ b]Location/Person:[ /b][ list]
[ *] State or Country:
[ *] School Type:
[ *] Ethnicity:
[ *] Income Bracket:
[ *] Gender:
[ *] Hooks:
[ *] Strengths/Weaknesses:
[ *] Why you think you were accepted/wait listed/denied:
[ /list]
[ b]Which Programs and Results?:[ /b]</p>

<p>[ b]Other Colleges Accepted/Considering:[ /b]</p>

<p>[ b]Other Factors:[ /b]
[ b]General Comments:[ /b]</p>

SAT: 2240 (800 Crit Rdg, 700 Math, and 740 Writing)
SAT IIs: Math Level 2 - 760, Chem 760, Spanish 750
GPA: 4.3 Weighted - never computed my unweighted
Rank: top 3% (8/275)
Essays: probably why I was accepted at Yale (also Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth, Williams) (both great) admissions officer told me he loved my optional essay about a painting; 1st essay about my best friend who tried to kill herself 8 times and my feeliings... it was very poignant and made my mother cry; however my mom has known the girl since i was in sixth grade)
Teacher Recs: great - english teacher showed me his rec - said i am one of few who has geniune interest in learning for the sake of learning and that i am a superlative writer)
Counselor Rec: probably great
Hook (if any): none that I know of
State or Country: new jersey
School Type: public, not in top 75 high schools in New Jersey
Ethnicity: Puerto Rican
Gender: female
Other: well rounded (EC's musician -3 instruments, Key Club, community service, Tae Kwon Do, Science Olympiad, Translator for migrants in my area. hospital volunteer, Marching Band, etc.)
Valedictorian of my class was rejected from Yale and waitlisted at Harvard- she has higher GPA; about 4.6-4.7 weighted, 800 on Crit Rdg 790 on Math and 650 on Writing; also a star violinist but i don't think as many EC's as me; essays make a huge difference as they are looking for your voice; also she is shy and may not have interviewed as well. My interviewer said that I was a good fit for Yale since my desire to learn is the most important thing they are looking for.We talked about my academic plans.
My Harvard interviewer e-mailed me:
Congratulations! I was just informed you have been accepted into the Harvard Class of 2010. During our interview, I was extremely impressed with your unique personality, easy-going enthusiasm, and intellectual acumen, attributes I made sure would come across in my report. I hope, if you have not done so already, you decide to spend your next four years at Harvard. The Harvard experience exceeded all my expectations as, I'm sure, it will exceed all of yours. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Take care, be well, and congratulations once again.</p>