Accepted...spring semester..?

<p>Just found out that i got into TCU for Spring Semester (January 2012)</p>

<p>Did anyone else? </p>

<p>If so what were your stats? </p>

<p>GPA: Weighted / unweighted
In State/ Out of State

<p>That’s rough. I’m in for fall, but what are you going to do?</p>

<p>I might go spring semester but I’m not positive yet…
If there is no spring rush I don’t think I want to accept because greek life is most of the social life at TCU.</p>

<p>There is a unofficial spring rush. Meaning any fraternity or sorority can participate if they want, normally the lower tier ones do. I transferred in this semester and did spring rush, it’s basically a meet and greet. Four fraternities were in it, two top ones and two horrible ones. One of the top ones left super early though. If you’re a guy, there is going to be possibly 3 new chapters next semester, so I’m sure they all will be in spring rush.</p>

<p>THREE new chapters?!?!</p>

<p>(Wonder if there will be any for teetotalers? ">)</p>

<p>Don’t know what teetotalers means, but TCU has invited 3 new chapters, not sure if they all are going to accept.</p>



<p>That’s not our understanding. Again and again we’ve heard and been told that there is plenty of social life at TCU for non-Greek, especially for girls.</p>

<p>What are you hearing about it and from whom?</p>

<p>Do you go to TCU?</p>

<p>I’ve gotten the impression that the social life at TCU isn’t that amazing if you’re not in Greek life mostly from online sites and just from my overall impression of the school </p>

<p>I’m sure there are other things going on aside from sorority and fraternity parties, however, I know in reality that I would feel upset not being a part of Greek life considering 40% of the campus in involved.</p>