Accepted Students Email Addresses

<p>Hi guys!
I just wanted to ask those accepted under early decision if they knew anything our CU email addresses? When/how do we get them?</p>

<p>I’m not an accepted student (I’ll be applying the year after next), but IIRC, the kids in CU '12 got theirs with housing info. I could be wrong, but search the forum, and you should find a thread about this from last year.</p>



<p>Not sure if this is exactly right, but it’s generally right. Every year, emails are given out in early Summer.</p>

<p>Anyone know what exactly we receive in the mail (Acceptees) ?</p>

<p>Also, anyone know when we sort the housing details and orientation stuff out?</p>

<p>you guys have awhile to ponder the merits of a JJ single vs Carman double etc…</p>

<p>housing and email addresses come in… june, i think?</p>