Accepted Students Tour--What else to see?

My S19 was admitted to Purdue early action back in January. Since then it wavered on/off/on his list based on his confidence in the size and distance of the school. We are back “on” and are going for a visit on 4/22. I thought this was an accepted students day event but, alas, since it’s so late, it’s an Accepted Students Tour and not a full visit. What besides the Academic tour and Student Life tour should we visit while we are there? The schedule day ends at 12:30 and we have a 7pm flight back out of Chicago so we’d have maybe an hour or so for another meeting. The town? another building? He is undecided on major so I don’t think he will sit down w/department head. Thanks!

Eat in one of the dining halls.

Visit the career center.

Wander into the academic buildings of potential prospective majors.

Note that you gain an hour traveling to Chicago (central time vs Eastern) but don’t underestimate the traffic.

The most important thing to do is to try and speak to as many students as possible. Not just the tour guides. He will find most Purdue students very accommodating. There is no better way to learn about the school.