Accepted to both UCLA and Berkeley?

<p>I don’t know if this was discussed earlier, just post the link up if it has, but I’ve heard rumors that if a student is accepted into either UCLA or UCB, they will not be accepted to the other.</p>

<p>For example, if i got into Berkeley, i won’t get into UCLA, or vice versa.</p>

<p>Is this true? can anyone comment?</p>

<p> do you hear these rumors? I know a lot of people who got into both schools.</p>

<p>ya, thats just not true.</p>

<p>doode this person posted it 3 times and all 3 have had the same response how many "NO"s do u need to get? UCLA and Cal do NOT ask each other who they accept. UCLA and Cal are both ranked very high so the probability of getting into both is just low. If a person gets into Columbia, it does not mean they will automatically get into any other ivy league.</p>

<p>It's probably because UCLA and Cal both emphasize differen't things when it comes to admission.</p>

<p>i would just say that CAL has more science based engineers applying while ucla is more liberal arts</p>

<p>^^ er, no. Cal (not CAL) has a very, very strong engineering department, but it's also strong in the humanities, social sciences, and liberal arts -- in many cases, ahead of UCLA. Thus, Cal has a good number of both applying. (Over 20% of Cal's students major in a social science, I believe.)</p>


<p>Cal's humanities and social science programs are all top 10. So are their science programs.</p>

<p>It's not really like either one is more "focused" on one or the other. They're both strong all around.</p>

<p>Indeed both are GREAT schools with great programs, but Berkeley has a much more prestigious academic reputation not only nationally but also globally. </p>

<p>Berkeley's engineering program is world renowned. Obviously, it is not in the same class as MIT as this school is the holy grail, but it's right up there with Stanford and Caltech. Arguably, these are the 4 most famous schools for engineering in the world.</p>

<p>Having lived and worked abroad, I can safely say that in many parts of the world the difference is not as great as you suggest, CE Man.</p>

<p>Remember, engineering is not the only program at Cal or UCLA.</p>

<p>i heard this rumor too but i think its just coincidence. i dont think the schools talk to each other so i think it depends on the applicant.</p>

<p>The UCs don't "talk to eachother" at all during the admissions process. It is seemingly so random that you could get into UCLA and UCB but not, say UCSC.</p>

<p>So just depends on the strength of your application, what each paticular school is looking for, and how the admissions officer is feeling that day.</p>

<p>UC's don't talk to each other but they obviously know which other UC's you are applying to.</p>

<p>It is so not true... my friend got into both uc berkeley and ucla (+ uci and ucsd) in February...</p>

<p>how did your friend hear back so early?</p>

<p>Regents/Chancellor's are pretty much guaranteed to the schools if they're asked for an interview. They get the invitation for an interview around that time.</p>

<p>yep my friend got regents for berkeley... not sure about ucla but she got in</p>

<p>my daughter got into both Cal and UCLA in 2004.</p>

<p>I got into both Cal and UCLA last year, along with all of the other UC's I applied to. You're stressing out too much... in less than 72 hrs you should know if you made it into both also. :) GOOD LUCK!</p>