Accepted to cogsci but a sudden interest in computational bio and comp sci. HELP!

<p>I have applied to only one school in CMU (HSS) and was accepted into the Cognitive Science program. However, after yesterday's visit to CMU and talking to professors and students and listening to presentation, I think I have an interest in pursuing computational biology or comp sci. So, I guess my question is: is it possible (and frequent) to switch from HSS psych to MCS computational bio or SCS? What classes would I need to take freshman year in HSS psych in order to prepare my course load for both the colleges (MCS and SCS)? Because from what i understand from the presentations, the kids in HSS have less of a set in stone schedule freshman year (which allows them to take more classes, in case they want an internal transfer)</p>

<p>and also what things are considered when requesting an internal transfer? I'm assuming grades in the necessary prerequisites...and cant think of anything else?</p>

<p>THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>You’re going to need lots of programming for both of those majors. Do you have any experience with programming already? If you don’t, try it. Programming in theory is awesome; programming in reality is sobering.</p>

<p>Take 15-110 and Data Structures your freshman year. Taking Concepts of Mathematics would probably be helpful as well. It’s difficult to transfer into both of those programs - much harder than HSS Psych, to be certain.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that HSS will require you to take a freshman seminar, statistics, Interp and world history your first year, so you will need to make room for at least a couple of those. Statistics and Interp would probably be the most beneficial if you’re just planning to transfer out of HSS in the long run.</p>

<p>I don’t know how true it is, but I’d heard that it’s pretty difficult to transfer into SCS from another CMU college. (wait listed at SCS myself). I’d imagine getting into MCS would be do-able, though.</p>

<p>Hey im glad ur considering doing a computational bio major. I am currently a freshman on trak for comp bio :]
to become a comp bio major u need to take these courses in order:
CS track:
15-110 (only if you don’t have programming experience, might turn into 15-112 next year)
15-122 Imperative programming
15-150 (MUST have taken or is taking at fall of sophomore year) functional programming</p>

<h1>15-210 parallel programming</h1>

<p>21-127 Concepts of Math
15-251 Great Ideas (OMG)
15-451 Algorithm
15-XXX cs elective</p>

<p>Bio/chem/math track:
Modern Bio-> Biochem -> Cell bio -> Genetics -> bio elective
(MUST take Biochem by fall of sophomore year)
Chem1&2 -> Orgo chem 1
*physics for sci 1</p>

<h1>*Calc 1 + 2</h1>

<p>You apply for comp bio major on your fall of sophomore year. As outlined above you need to take biochem and 15-150 by this time. You also have to be in MCS or SCS to apply.</p>

<p>THIS IS ACTUALLY VERY HARD. :confused: Comp bio is difficult in terms of classes the curriculum requires you to take. you will be suffering through all the hard classes in CS and all the hard classes in bio and by junior and senior year you would be taking core comp bio classes 03-5xx to fulfill your major requirements. The most difficult part of comp bio is smart scheduling… if you drop one course or lag behind you will probably not finish school in 4 years… :[ comp bio track is not something to take lightly</p>

<p>However if you do decide to go on this track, you will be rewarded though. the classes are really fun. Beyond the difficulty managing CS classes and bio classes together, the comp bio field is very interesting and has very bright future ahead. in your case idk how you would to comp bio though, since u are in h&ss. you would have to transfer to mcs or scs and schedule your courses in fall accordingly</p>