Accepted to Davis, but does that mean I cannot be accepted to UCSB?

<p>I have heard that normally you can only get into one of the three: Irvine, Davis, or Santa Barbara. They don’t accept people into all three according to some ‘tear’ level that the uc system sets. Berkeley and LA at the top tear, UCSD, Davis, SB, and Irvine in the middle, and then Riverside, Santa Cruz and Merced at the bottom. And every applicant can only be admitted to one school from every tear. Is this true? </p>

<p>I really want to go to Santa Barbara, but I am worried that because I was admitted to Davis I am out of luck.</p>

UC GPA: 3.7
SAT: 1770 (650 writing, 550 math, 570 verbal)
SUBJ: 640 Lit, 520 Math 2
This year taking heavy courseload with two ap’s</p>

<p>English Major</p>

<p>Only real characteristic I have under my belt is MAJOR improvement from Frosh to Senior Year.</p>

<p>Any advice/Opinion?</p>

<p>Anyone? Have any thoughts?</p>

<p>no they don't look at the other colleges that you applied to, if you look there are people who have been admitted to more than one college on the same</p>


<p>Are you sure? I have heard from many they only accept you into one of the three.</p>

<p>You should give people more than 3 minutes to respond...
But no, each school's admissions are subjective...they look for different things in an applicant and what one school weighs more heavily, another may not. Each school is independent, they don't talk back and forth about their applicants...</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
this is a good read for Berkeley/LA. </p>

<p>Btw, I've been admitted to Davis, Irvine, and SD. Many, many people have been admitted to a number of the schools, not just one.<br>
I'd say, just chill out, there's nothing you can do about your decision now, and thinking so hard about all this will just make you more anxious. :]</p>

Junior Member</p>

<p>Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 202 Accepted: Davis, Irvine, Santa Barbara (through Chancellor's reception), San Diego
Rejected: None yet.
Waiting: LA, Cal </p>

<p>^yes im sure. it's not ethical for them to reject you merely on the basis that you applied to more than one. everyone asks this question every year, and the answer is always no.</p>

<p>PS. Go have a look around the UC forums. There are tons of threads on each school's decisions...maybe it will make you feel better to see that people do get admitted to more than one.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks for the reassurance :)</p>

<p>Where do people get these ridiculous ideas? Why should Davis or Irvine or Santa Barbara care if you've been accepted to any of the others? They have 50000 applicants each. They dont have time to call each other about each applicant and make sure neither of the other two accepted him/her.</p>

<p>I got into all 3. False rumor.</p>

<p>No like everyone said UCSB doesnt call up UCI and say "oh dont accept this person, we already did" BUT REMEMBER that if you have met the bare minimum in terms of the average GPA and SAT scores of UCD, UCI, and UCSB then it is very unlikely that you will get into all 3, and most likely just one.</p>

<p>Rest easy. You can be admitted to more than one of those three. S2 is in at UCD and UCSB and one of his classmates is in at UCI and UCD.</p>

<p>I was rejected by UCD, but accepted to SD</p>

<p>Yeah, most people have said it already. This is not true. Many people get accepted to both LA and Berkeley and it would be pretty insane if a person only got one of those and couldn't get the other. Also, I have already been accepted to Davis and SD and am excpecting an acceptance to Irvine, so it doesn't work that way</p>

<p>well i know that if you're ELC, you're GUARANTEED admission to one of the UC's (except CAL/LA/SD)</p>

<p>but that doesn't mean you won't be accepted to more than one...</p>

<p>get it?</p>

<p>D accepted to UCI, UCD, UCSB & UCSD-winter - so you can be accepted to all three (or more)</p>

I have heard that normally you can only get into one of the three: Irvine, Davis, or Santa Barbara. They don't accept people into all three according to some 'tear' level that the uc system sets.


<p>Utterly rediculous. By definition, ELC'ers are guaranteed admission to all three mid-tiers.</p>

<p>It USED to be like that...My dad told me that when he was in high school and applying to the UCs, you would only get into one. You would just apply to the UC system, and then you would rank the campuses...and whichever one you got was the one you got.</p>