Accepted to Engineering

<p>Who all has been accepted to Dwight Look COE? What does it say on your AIS? I'm so confused! It says Engineering Review as my major and Undeclared College as my College. What does this mean?</p>

<p>Okay so I just called tamu and now I understand what’s going on.
Basically all the COE spots were full by Thanksgiving, so now they are reviewing the applicants and going to handpick the most competitive ones. This sucks…</p>

<p>I’m in the same situation.</p>

<p>That makes three of us. What do you guys think is more important, class rank or SAT/ACT?</p>

<p>What are your stats JD1327? I’m guessing they’re only accepting people with 2300s and stuff now, seems unrealistic for me to hope for admission into COE. Will you still go to tamu if you get into some other college?
cfisher - I’d say both are about the same.</p>

<p>And from what I’ve heard, the competitiveness they are looking for for engineering comes mainly from the math portion of the SAT/ACT, class rank, and course rigor(also math/science course rigor)</p>

<p>The person I talked to also said that they look at the essays to get a better idea of the applicants. Ah this is so stressful :frowning:
What are your stats cfisher? Anyone that’s in the review for engineering, please post your stats so we have a better idea of what the competition level is like!
SATs 2190 (770 M 710 CR 710 W)
SAT II: Math II - 720, Chemistry - 700 (did so so bad…)
GPA: 94.5/100 (Top 14%)
Senior course load: AP Chemistry, AP Calculus BC, Physics Honors, English 4 Honors, Gov honors, Latin honors
Oh and the person also said that we should find out by January 15 if we’re in COE or not!</p>

<p>Nice job!
ACT 31… - 35M 31S 28R/W (Lol)
GPA 4.3/4 (Top 3%)
Senior Courses: AP Chem, AP Physics, AP Statistics, AP Lit/Comp, Gov, and 2 Dual enrolled classes (Took AP Calc BC as Junior)
If I’m not admitted into COE I probably wont attend :/</p>

<p>Me neither. I want to go to a&m so badly though! Gah this rolling admissions policy screwed me over big time. Just have to wait another month I suppose, let’s see what happens.</p>

<p>I’m on step three with major changed to engineering review. Same as you?</p>

<p>I’m on Step 5, already been accepted to a&m but major is engineering review right now</p>

<p>@Cfisher: I am on the same boat with you :(</p>

<p>Interesting, so I’m assuming I’ll be accepted into the school before my major is determined.</p>

<p>And on step 5 as of just now, engineering review. Fingers crossed!</p>