I am a senior graduating this spring. I have been accepted to a post bacc program at my current university that leads to a masters in education. I will be starting this summer. I was just was notified that I might be receiving an incomplete for an internship I was doing last semester, due to lack of procedure/timing in enrollment for the internship. This means I would have 117 credits plus an incomplete.
Is it possible to start a post grad program with an incomplete? Has anyone ever heard of any exceptions to the 120 rule? Is it possible that it can be up to the discretion of the graduate program, perhaps a case by case basis? I could get the Incomplete resolved by the end of this summer, and it would obviously be very unfortunate if I had to wait a whole year to begin the program. I know they might try and work with me, perhaps in the sense that undergrads can take graduate level courses, but im assuming that I wouldn’t be able to receive financial aid unless enrolled in the actual program.
Any thoughts? I was told I was a very strong applicant, and I have had multiple conversations about my goals in teaching with the professors of the program, whom have told me that I am an excellent fit. I will be contacting them soon, but as im not yet sure about the certainty of the Incomplete I don’t want to present the situation to them if its not necessary.
Apologize as I know im really reaching here, and will probably just have to wait another year. I know academic policies like these are more than likely national adhered to by federal standards, just wondering if anyone has any insight or experience.