<p>Hey guys, nice to meet you all. </p>
<p>I'm a Jersey resident, and I've been accepted to GT Civil Engineering. I've been accepted into UT Liberal Arts but will write an appeal and mention the fact that I've gotten two full rides at NY metro schools and waitlisted at Stanford and hopefully that'll get me in the engineering school. </p>
<p>If that whole UT thing works out, I still have to decide whether I should go to UT or GT. Now, here's my reasoning. If the UT thing doesn't work out, then I guess I'll go to GT</p>
<h1>44 nationally (USNEWS)</h1>
<h1>2 in architecture (DI)</h1>
<h1>9 in engineering (USNEWS)</h1>
<h1>6 in Civil Engineering (USNEWS)</h1>
<h1>14 I think in Business (USNEWS)</h1>
<p>Growing, vibrant, active city in the spotlight
Huge alumni network
Kickass sports
Seems like great college experience</p>
<h1>35 nationally (USNEWS)</h1>
<h1>4 in Engineering</h1>
<h1>5 in Civil Engineering</h1>
<h1>? in architecture</h1>
<h1>? in business</h1>
<p>Awesome pralines
Eh sports
Good alumni network
No offense, but I went to Atlanta for First robotics, and the city seems kind of small and dead. Nobody there, everything closes at 7, and this was not on a holiday week or anything.
Don't know about the experience.</p>
<p>I know GT and UT are good schools, but I think UT is a bit more well rounded. GT curriculum is very tough I heard.</p>
<p>As I said, I'm a Jersey resident, so chances are I'm going to be coming back to NJ/NY for a job. Actually chances are I'm going to join my dad's business or start my own company which I have experience in. Regardless, which college has a better reputation here in NYC/Northeast? I know that I applied for some internships at some independent architecture firms in NY, and many graduates were from UT. I haven't really heard of a lot of people who are from GT aside from the Indian guy who founded Sun Microsystems. My dad tells me he knew some people from GT who were really smart and successful, I have no doubt in my mind that that is true. But I just don't know, I'm a little man with no knowledge, and I need some help. So if you don't mind, I appreciate all of your input. Which one do you guys think is better/I should attend?</p>
<p>Just some help. Thanks, and congratulations/good luck to all you yellow jacket larvae. lol.</p>