Accepted to San Diego State University but rejected from UC Davis

I applied to as a Computer Science major for both.
Was accepted early to San Diego State.
Will my rejection from Davis foreshadow my rejection from UCLA, UCB, and USC?

not at all. UCD is known to be weird w/ who they accept. Don’t lose hope.

Each UC campus uses the 14 areas of criteria to review applications but each UC will weight each these areas differently so there is no way to predict that a denial from one campus will be denial to all.

What are your stats?
SDSU is not nearly as competitive as UC Davis for admission.
Just because you have got rejected from Davis doesn’t mean you will not get into UCLA, UCB, USC or other top schools. However, usually those who get into UCLA and UCB also get into UCDavis. You still have a shot at UCLA and Berkeley, but the chances are on the lower side, since you didnt get into Davis. But there is still a chance.
USC is more holistic than the UC’s which focus a lot of GPA, so if you have good activities and essays to supplement objective stats, you will have a good shot.
Good luck @LaurenYoohoo

Not at all. If we had your stats tho it’d be easier to tell. If you’re in the average GPA range for those schools with a rigorous course load, you certainly still have a good chance at getting into them.
For what it’s worth, there’s a common “street story” that that some of the lower-mid tier UCs purposely reject certain overqualified students to keep a favorable yield/admission rate. People speculate that they already assume you’re gonna get into the higher tier ones, and they don’t wanna accept you only to have you reject their offer. That is just all speculation and street talk though with no credibility behind it.

My stats are
GPA: weight: 4.1 unweight: 3.6
SAT NEW: 1410
Subject Test: MATH 2:720 History:700
Took: AP: Computer science = 4, Calculus AB = 4, English language = 4, US History = 4, European History = 3
Currently: AP: Macroeconomics, Calculus BC, Physics 1

Leadership: Director of my school’s daily news channel for 2 years. Part of the program for all 4 years

Extracurriculars: Computer Science Summer Internship at USC Viterbi, Volunteered at local USC Hospital = 110 hrs, Attended USC’s AthenaHack, Mentored at FIRST Lego Robotics League. Worked as a Media director and website editor for iKrema Mattress inc.

I understand my GPA and SAT score is condsidered low for UCLA and UCB, but I would like to know if there is still a chance for those with my statistics.

Each campus individually evaluates applicants and there is a fair amount of objectiveness in that process. There is a chance until you are formally rejected. For LA, B and USC, I think that chance is pretty slim. While holding out hope, I’d encourage you to start to get yourself psyched for SDSU. It is a great school and will offer you many great experiences.

Where else did you apply?
Are you first gen (neither parent has a 4-yezr degree)?
Have you been in an overnight to SDSU? If not, try to find time for one.
Did you apply to Webber Honors? Get in?





Which would be the best for me? As a com sci major? Which would also be best as a business major?

Did you apply as a CS major or a business major? It’ll matter at CPP, Cal poly, SJSU.
Stanford and Pomona are very very unlikely (unless you’re first gen attending a lower performing school).
You’ll get into a UC. Then it’ll be which will be most affordable between the UCs you get into and SDSU.
Can you visit SDSU?

I was accepted into CPP as a Com sci major. SJSU rejected me without reviewing my application because their com sci major was full. I have yet to hear back from slo, but was accepted into the rest of my calstates.

I was accepted from uc riverside and uc merced. I have not heard back yet from the other UCs.

Stanford and Pomona college I know are stretch and am just waiting for the rejection letter.

I was accepted in Chapman University.

For USC, I applied a Comsci/Business administration major and my second choice was Business administration major. What would be my chances for either major?

@LaurenYoohoo. Are you waitlisted at SLO?

CPP, UCR, UCM are excellent choices for CS already. :slight_smile: Congratulations!

@Gumbymom I haven’t heard anything from them. I check online and my application has not been reviewed yet.

I would consider calling SLO admissions since they have already waitlisted and rejected many applicants. Although no news is good news, did you select an alternate major? Perhaps they are considering you for the alternate major.

@Gumbymom Just got the rejection letter. My alternate major was mathematics though. Does anyone have any information on USC yet? USC is my top choice so any information would be nice.


Sorry to hear about SLO. Best of luck with USC.

I don’t think USC will pull through though.

Can you list your parents’ budget (how much they can afford from income and savings))
and calculate net price for each university?
(Tuition, fees, room, board) - (scholarships, grants)=

You can also start planning overnight trips to SDSU, CPP, Chapman, UCR, and UCM. Askntobbe in on abFrehdman English class and a freshman cs class, to visit the library, the gym, meet with students…

From your list, USC is best for business (Haas would be, but you would have to apply as a junior). I like UCI and next UCR for business. You might still get into UCI or UCSB for comp. science. As others have mentioned, comp science is very competitive to get in for UC’s, CP"s and USC. Best of luck.