Accepted to TAMU Engineering Dec 23rd and Reversed 1 month later

Elated for our daughter to get accepted into the Texas A&M college of engineering now this past Friday she received a letter saying effectively “we have re-evaluated” and now you must select a different major (other than engineering) and we will let you know in 2 days if you get in that college. We had paid housing deposit on time and were planning a visit and were still trying to be good parents and discuss options with her. Have never heard from anyone that such a thing could/would occur. Is this normal? To rescind a persons dreams with no new information or circumstance of any kind. Is this a bait and switch?

Again, no change in grade status. Yes, she was accepted into the engineering college in December, it was not misread. The letter actually had no detailed explanation and was quite terse. This is especially sad since our oldest attended TAMU and we were had a great experience and this one wanted to be like her and we encouraged her. My drawer of TAMU gear is about to get moved to the “rag bin” in my garage at the handling of this and she is STILL GETTING calls from TAMU student groups to join them.

Call the admissions office and ask what on earth prompted the change – that sounds crazy. What does her AIS page indicate? Any change?

Wow, after almost three months they rescind her acceptance into the school she was accepted into? I don’t know if it’s normal but it definitely seems coldhearted. I’m so sorry for you and your daughter. I would be livid. Sounds like Texas A&M needs to grow a heart. I hope things work out for your family.

Wow…maybe there is a mistake on A&M or her high school’s part. Maybe a girl cheated in her school and the school notified A&M and they marked the wrong person? Or maybe someone sent a letter of rec trying to sabotage your daughter(really unlikely, but happened at a liberal arts college). The fact your daughter got into A&M off of engineering review shows that she’s really intelligent, so this makes no sense academically unless it was some sort of character concern raised by mistake.

I’ve never heard of this. The only thing I have heard of is rescinding offers due to lack of performance (failing courses or not getting required GPA for gateway). Did she fail a course or perform below her previous standard when grades came out for first semester senior year? If she did nothing, I’d appeal.

Or was she admitted to engineering review then not admitted? If you have an older one, this is a new process for the last two years. Not everyone in engineering review gets engineering major - they compete for the last 15% of engineering majors. If they are not selected they are asked to pick an open major or go to Blinn engineering. Is that what happened?

It appears you also posted this on February 9. Have you not gotten an answer from TAMU yet?

I just reread your timing, December 23rd admission to engineering was already at 85% full. She would only have been eligible for engineering review irregardless of admission route ( auto or review). They then competed and results were released about a month later…so the timing fits your scenario. Being a full admit directly to engineering in late December is highly unlikely, if not impossible. I think you may have misinterpreted her admission status.