Accepted University Studies- future for Computer Science

<p>So, as the title says, I was accepted to VT today into University Studies. I applied as a computer science major but didn't get in. I'm curious what people feel are my chances to get into the school of engineering later on and what the best way to approach it would be. Thanks :D</p>

<p>It is incredibly easy to get into the College of Engineering now that you have been accepted into Virginia Tech. I applied as a General Engineering major and was also placed into University Studies. That didn’t stop me from working towards my goal. </p>

<p>The chances of you getting into the College of Engineering is very very high. You can take every course that the engineering students are taking except for the Engineering Exploration classes: ENGE 1024 and ENGE 1114/1104.</p>

<p>Those courses are restricted to GE majors only. You can take ENGE 1024 in Spring '12 since it is not restricted. Then you take ENGE 1114/1104 in the summer. You will then be caught up with the student who went into VT as General Engineering and you can declare Computer Science as your major before you go into Fall '12.</p>

<p>The way I did it was different. I lived in Southwest Virginia where there are several community colleges. I took an ENGE 1024 equivalence course at a local community college and received transfer credit for ENGE 1024. I took all of the same classes the GE students took in Fall '10 and transferred to the College of Engineering in December '10.</p>

<p>Pretty much all you need to do is keep a 2.0 GPA and take the courses that are required for the first year of Engineering. Those courses are:</p>

<p>Fall Semester:
Chem 1035 - General Chemistry
Chem 1045 - Gen. Chem. Lab
Math 1205 - Calc 1
Math 1114 - Linear Algebra
Engl 1105 - Freshman English
Some type of Liberal Education elective</p>

<p>Spring Semester:
Phys 2305 - Foundations of Physics
Phys 2305 - Foundations of Physics Lab
Math 1224 - Vector Geometry
Enge 1024 - Engineering Exploration
Math 1206 - Calc II
Engl 1106 - Freshman English II</p>

Enge 1104 - Engineering Design for CS, CpE, and EE majors.</p>

<p>Then as long as you have the GPA required for CS which is a 2.3, you can go straight into Computer Science like you were in engineering all along.</p>

<p>The best way to go is to try to take the Enge 1024 class in the summer before you go to Virginia Tech for the first time. It makes getting into the major you want a lot easier. Just keep your grades high and you will have no problem getting into the CoE.</p>

<p>Oh wow thanks! That’s really helpful. It should be even easier seeing as I’ll have at least one semester of English taken care of with AP credit, hopefully two.</p>

<p>You can also take the class at New River Community College in Christiansburg your first semester in Blacksburg. My son did that and transferred into the Engineering College at the end of first semester. He had to commute to the community college one afternoon a week but there were many VT students taking it for the same reason. The best thing about doing it fall semester is that you’re right on track with everyone else who was admitted directly to engineering.</p>

<p>^^ That is what I did twoesses. Except I took the course at New River Community College during the summer before going to VT. It was a lot better since it was only 5 weeks, 2 classes a week. Total of 10 classes. It was taught by a VT professor. I transferred into Engineering the day my final grades went into the system. Of course I transferred out of engineering today because I hate it, but that is besides the point.</p>

<p>Hi kjolana , Hi James. I applied for GE and was placed in University studies too.
I am an international student (from Tunisia) and I intend to pursue electrical&communcations engineering studies. Should I follow those same steps you suggested to Kjolana ? what would be differen if I dont study during summer ? How would my graduation be delayed ? I really need an answer. As you know the Tunisian system is a way different from the American and im a kinda lost :p. I rely on your answer. Thank you…</p>

<p>If you cannot take the equivalence course over the summer before attending VT, it isn’t really going to affect your graduation too much; maybe a semester at the most.</p>

<p>When you go to VT for orientation this summer, make sure you sign up for the following classes:</p>

<p>Math 1205 - Calculus I
Math 1114 - Elementary Linear Algebra
Chem 1035 - General Chemistry
Chem 1045 - General Chemistry Lab
Engl 1105 - Freshman English
Some type of Liberal Education Elective</p>

<p>Try your best to keep around 15 credits.</p>

<p>You will not be able to sign up for the Enge 1024 class in the Fall. All GE majors will have that course, but it is restricted to them only. You CAN take it in the Spring. I don’t know exactly when it opens up, but I know there is a list that you put your name on. Then the department of Enge 1024 will select a bunch of students to be accepted into the Spring course. It is usually done by GPA.</p>

<p>In the spring, make sure you sign up for the following classes:</p>

<p>Phys 2305 - Foundations of Physics
Phys 2305 - Foundations of Physics Lab
Math 1206 - Calculus II
Math 1224 - Vector Geometry
Enge 1024 - Engineering Exploration
Engl 1106 - Freshman English II</p>

<p>Then if you can, in summer 2012, try to take the other Engineering course. You will be taking Enge 1104, since you are wanting to do Electrical engineering. If you cannot take it during the summer, I think it is offered in the Fall. So you would be able to register for it then. In Spring 2013, you would transfer to Electrical Engineering. You wouldn’t even deal with General Engineering. You would have the 2nd engineering course done and all of the Engineering Education departments prerequisites out of the way. You would go straight into your major. The only problem is that it would delay you one semester of graduating. You wouldn’t graduate in Spring, it would be Fall. </p>

<p>Another problem that might arise is that some courses are only offered during certain semesterd. Let’s say for example that you need an Electrical Communications course when you transfer into Electrical Engineering in the Spring. That course might only be offered in the Fall. You will have to take the other Electrical Engineering courses and leave one of the courses you need for Fall. The problem arises if that Communications course if a Pre-requisite for another course you need. It is going to keep putting you behind. I would say the most you would get behind would be probably a year of graduating. It might end up bring Spring 2016 before you get to graduate. Your education would be worth it in the long run, but I suggest taking the summer course to avoid any problems. If you take it at New River Community College over the summer, it is a 5 week class. You might attend classes twice a week. You will still have a lot of your summer left even with taking the course at NRCC. It will transfer in without any problems and you should be able to go into Electrical Engineering in Fall 2012. Then you will be on track with everyone who came into the university as GE. It is just better to do it that way.</p>

<p>If you have any further questions, feel free to send me a PM.</p>

Here’s the most up-to-date information on changing your major into the COE.