Accepted university studies, hoping to transfer into COE

Like the title says, I was just offered admission for university studies, and I would like to transfer into the college of engineering.
Based on experience/knowledge of the transferring process, could anyone please share/outline the steps I/other engineering transfer hopefuls should take to prepare myself to transfer into the COE?

I know that Gen Engineering students get priority with some classes, so if you could outline a suggested fall/semester class schedule that I could potential follow to help prepare me for the transfer of major, it would be greatly appreciated.

Also, are summer classes a practical way to make up for lost ground?
If so, when/where should I take them? (summer before freshman year, summer after freshman year…/ @ local community college, @ VT)
Also, who should I contact to find out which classes I should look to take over the summer?

Any information/insight is greatly appreciated. (I literally have no idea what I’m supposed to do)

@jheller Please read the attached links carefully as there are many new requirements for transfer to GE effective with the Fall 2015 class and it is the only source of up to date information. For example, now you need to have 12 credit hrs of “index” classes (there is a list of these) completed before applying for transfer. These classes must be taken at VT. Classes taken at a cc or AP credit do NOT count towards these 12. This is a very big difference from past years as many could complete the “core” Engr classes through AP credit or a cc and apply for transfer soon after arriving to VT. Also, there is now min 3.0 GPA requirement in the index classes for transfers which either did not exist previously or has been increased.