Accepted/Waitlisted/Denied by any top BFA Acting programs

<p>I am currently in my freshman year at Rutgers University. The only reason I considered Rutgers was due to its BFA Acting Program, which I was waitlisted by. After not being accepted I decided to come to Rutgers regardless, but after almost a year of being here I am not sure that it is the place for me. I auditioned for the BFA Acting Program again, and was waitlisted for a second time. I spent an entire year banking on one school and now I'm stuck in a situation I don't know how to get myself out of. I can either transfer to the BFA Acting program at Montclair State, or stay at Rutgers and get a BA in Theater with a double major in something else, neither of which I want to do. Any advice?</p>

<p>Have you contacted the head of the program at Montclair to make certain that you could transfer into the BFA acting program at Montclair next fall? It sounds as if the program director there likes you.... but you should confirm, just the same.</p>

<p>Also -- I believe that Montclair is a BFA acting program that requires students to take a fair number of general education classes (which it sounds like is one of the things you do not like about Rutgers in the BA).</p>

<p>It sounds as if you are pretty passionate about pursuing a career as an actor, and would prefer a BFA program, so I am curious why you think that you would enjoy double majoring in another subject? Is the double major idea because you are frustrated by the lack of opportunities in theatre for non-BFA/ MFA mason gross students?</p>

<p>If you choose to stay in the BA in Theatre at Rutgers, have you thought about studying abroad... some abroad programs include performance courses (particularly programs that study in London)... what about applying for the National Theatre Institute in CT or Moscow? These are semester programs that are designed for students in BA schools who would like a semester of highly focused, conservatory style training. NYU and I believe Syracuse offer students the opportunity to audition to spend a semester studying through those programs. NYU at Tisch and Syracuse through the Tepper Center in NY.</p>

<p>Finally, if you plowed through with you BA requirements would it be possible for you to graduate early by a year or a semester? If so you could take the money you saved and possibly look into doing a one or two year conservatory training program in NY there are many programs that offer this type of training that are very prestigious... some offering Meisner training </p>

<p>I think that there are many options available to you. </p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>I have not talked to the head of acting at montclair state...but i will see her this weekend at a talent search in my city and i will talk to her then. But after sitting down and thinking about my options I have decided that I want to audition for Mason Gross again. I really want a BFA in Acting from a top Acting program and I dont want to just settle. So, I've decided that the best thing for me to do would be to take a year off from school, take some acting classes, audition in the city, and work. I really need a break from school to focus on my craft for a little and really get some experience in the biz while also getting some life experience. The only thing is that I have a very prestigous performing arts scholarship for $20, 000 that says that I need to be in school for 4 years. So, I could possibly risk losing my scholarship in taking a year off. But I think by taking a year off I will save myself money and time instead of being at a school I hate and a program that I am unsatisfied with. Hopefully they will understand and allow me to take a year and still keep my scholarship. I really want to be an actress and I need to give it my full attention.</p>

<p>DramActress, what don't you like about the BA program at Rutgers? I am asking because a young acquaintance of mine has been accepted there and would love to know more about it.</p>

<p>I don't know much about the BA program here at Rutgers. What I can tell you is that is a more broad overview of Theater. So not only will they take an acting class or two, they will also take some courses in playwriting, scenic art,theater history, among other gen ed. classes. They can also study abroad if they want to as well.</p>

<p>Suggestion for evaluating wait list school? </p>


<p>Thank goodness this process and waiting is over. I think it was the most bizarre ( and for my daughter, heartbreaking) experience ever. She was rejected from all BFA (acting) programs that she applied to and wait listed on one. The bizarre thing is that several judges gave her reason to believe she had done very well - and then the reject letters started arriving. One woman from a top school actually sought me out in the hallway to tell me she had a great audition - this of course was totally unnecessary and in retrospect, rather cruel when the standard reject letter finally arrived in the mail. What was that all about?</p>

<p>The one (a top program) she is wait listed for has a small wait list so it is possible she will be asked to join, she just doesn't know if she wants to. This program is the only one she really has no feel for. She was looking for a specific type of acting training and this one does not have that. After her audition as she was asking questions, the judges actually laughed at some of them. This was the one audition where she felt no rapport with the judges at all!!! The school has great facilities and smart students and lots of performing opportunities - all pluses.</p>

<p>She would like to talk directly to some of the students in the program. Would this be seen as an improper thing to do? If not, how would she go about it?</p>

<p>Is a BFA program with opportunities to interact with other good actors better than a large school BA program (that is her only option at this point) even if the training is not the type she was originally looking for?</p>

<p>It is too early for her to think ahead to possibly auditioning again next year - although I know in the back of my mind this seems to be what lots of kids do.</p>

<p>Any suggestions/comments would be helpful. </p>

<p>FishbowlFreshman what do you say?
Career Counselors?</p>

<p>It sounds like your daughter and I have a lot in common. I have been rejected and waitlisted by top bfa acting programs. So, I totally understand what she'd going through. My advice for her is that if she really wants a BFA in Acting, audition for the schools again. I did that, and although I was wait-listed again by the same school, I showed them that I was not going to give up. But what messed me up was the fact that I did not take any acting classes all my technique was very rusty...So, I would tell your daughter to try the BA program out. See what it has to offer, but also audition again. And yes, talk to the students who go to those schools. Also, if you know any grads, talk to them as well because they've been through it and then some. I am not really excited about the BA Theater program, but I have no choice. But what I will say is that there are many opportunities that you will get as opposed to the BFA...but all in all...try the BA, and enroll in an acting class, audition for the BFA program again...and show them that your serious about acting...OH...and just because she didnt get doesn't mean she's a bad actress...some people are just good auditioners...others not so well, so they come off as not having had any training at all...and those who are accepted into these BFA Acting programs due to of a great audition...despite the fact that they are not he best actors they rise to the occassion...and if ur wait-listed by a top program...that means that they saw something in you...and that if they could take 25, instead of 16-20....they would be more than happy to have you. I wish you and your daughter the best and hopefully I was of some help despite the lateness.</p>

<p>There is a link to what I wrote about Rutgers in my profile page. Click my name and you will find the link. It is about the MFA program, but I think it might help speak you what you went through. Best of luck.</p>

<p>Dennis - </p>

<p>I just want to thank you for taking the time to make that blog. I hope everyone reads it whether pursuing an MFA or a BFA or any acting class. It contains a lot of thought provoking subjects within theatre academia. And I found the replies and links on your blog contributed also to the subject creating a place of collective consciousness. </p>

<p>My D is but a freshman at IU but we have already talked about the prospect of an eventual MFA program. The level of the talent demonstrated by the MFAs at IU are indeed inspiring. How their program and techniques compare to Rutgers and other universities I don’t know. </p>

<p>Even at the place my D is at now I see the need for developing a thick skin and being able to mentally (in a healthy fashion) tolerate some of the abuse or just normal rejection that goes on in this field. When choosing BFA programs to apply for I had a particular aversion to her applying to any of them with known philosophies of this breaking them down to build them back up again as you describe.</p>

<p>Hoosier Mom,</p>

<p>I am glad you found the blog helpful. I would seriously have your son question any other reason to get an MFA other than teaching. Unless he gets an MFA from NYU, Yale or Julliard it will probably not help him in landing jobs in New York or LA. But MFA acting programs do not want to hear that you are using an MFA degree to teach. See my latest blog post about Tom Loughlins MFA experience to get more information on that.</p>

<p>Actually its my daughter. But I’m just curious why in your list you didn’t include Pace. If I am reading this correctly the famous Actor’s Studio now operates as a 3 yr MFA program through Pace Univ…is that right? </p>

<p>[Actors</a> Studio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“]Actors”>Actors Studio - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>My personal opinion is that Actors Sudio has changed from its original form and has not recently been up to the standard of Yale, NYU, & Julliard. Truth be told its where the agents and CDs look for talent and those students get attention right out of school. Again, personal opinion so I am curious to hear if someone has other information.</p>

<p>There is a lot of controversy regarding which are the “top” programs and I really don’t think there will ever be a consensus. There are a lot of very good programs that you can find on the IMPORTANT: Big List of MT Colleges, Post # 2 thread. Look at them all to find what interests you. Keep in mind that the list posted here in posts 1 & 2 only accepts a few kids out of all of the applicants- …!!</p>

<p>Ross Taylor</p>


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