
<p>28 ACT
3.80 GPA
Class Rank 70/550
Current Schedule: All AP Classes
Very good ECs</p>

<p>What were your reasons for applying to LUC?</p>

<p>Well, it wasn't too hard to get accepted with my stats and it's close to home and good for pre-med. Overall, a good school with great bonuses. I received $34,000 in scholarships.</p>

<p>dude your stats arent that good- 28? and obviously you have easy AP classes or an inflated gpa</p>

<p>''dude'', my current AP classes aren't in my cum. GPA. My school's AP classes aren't easy with the exception of Psychology and Government. And I wasn't trying to sound pompous with my stats, what I meant was that my stats were good compared to a lot of the other Loyola applicants. You're a really cool kid Wneckid99!</p>

<p>is that renewable, for all four years, or for your first year only? i'm applying to loyola and i have the same credentials as you, so i'm just wondering. what are you getting for financial aid?</p>

<p>hey, i applied around october 26. I have a 3.125 and a 26 on my ACT. Even though i didn't do well fresh. and soph yr, I improved my grades greatly jnr yr with a 3.9.
Classes- Soph: hnrs bio, hnrs gemetry,....
jnr yr: Ap USH, hnrs spanish 2, and hnrs Algebra/Trig,....
snr yr: AP Calc, AP statistics, AP Gov., AP macroeconomics, AP bio, and english lit.
Extracurricular activities: president of FBLA, president of Model UN, Varsity Debate team, and JV gymnastics.....what do u guys think? do i have a shot?</p>

<p>I think you'll do juuuuuuust fine.</p>

<p>Congratulations Vaaaa. I look forward to your reports on CC about your Freshman year.</p>

<p>Hey vvvvaaaapppp when did you send in your application for Loyola?</p>

<p>Well that money I'm not too sure. I still have to do that hole FAFSA business and knowing about finanical aid is not one of my strong suits. I just got an email that said that I will receive that amount of money for all four years if I choose to attend. And Jaime, I sent in my app on about the 11th or 12th of October and heard back in about the time that this thread was up.</p>

<p>So are you committed to going there or still considering other places?</p>

<p>Congrats. I finally submitted my Loyola and Marquette app on the 2nd. I guess I should be looking foward to a decision within the next 2 weeks. VAP did you also apply to Marquette and if so have you heard anything?</p>

<p>Congradulations! My dad and mom went there as first generation college students and they felt it was a great experience and though a university it had a great community.
Are you going to apply anywhere else?</p>

<p>Jamie, I recently retook the ACT so I still haven't applied to Marquette because I figured more people from my area (suburbs of Milwaukee) would be applying and it would be hard to stand out with a 28. But thanks everyone for the thanks and Loyola may be too expensive so I'm waiting to see if I get into a couple of less expensive public schools. But if I don't get in, then Loyola here I come.</p>

<p>accepted. yay
$56000 total
47th out of 742

<p>Shows the difference between a 28 and a 34 ACT score. (ACT scores determine the $$$)</p>

<p>i just got accepted today :D</p>

<p>3.56 GPA
1280, 1310 SATS (cr + m)
National Commended, National Hispanic
class rank like 33rd out of 850ish

<p>I got accepted a while ago and received $24,000. Here are my stats:</p>

<p>-PA resident, used to live in the Chicago area</p>

CR- 570
Math- 640
Writing- 610</p>

Composite- 29
English- 31
Math- 26
Science- 29
Reading- 29</p>

3.63 unweighted on a 4.0 scale</p>

-American History
-Physics B
-Economics (Micro and macro)
-Calculus AB</p>

<p>4 years of foreign language</p>

-French National Honor Society
-National Honor Society
-Health Careers Club
-Health Occupations Students of America
-Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science
-Indoor Track and Field</p>

<p>For those of you posting how much $ you received, is that for all 4 years or a one year total?</p>