
<p>it's for all for years, unfortunately :(</p>

<p>$8,500 a year for me</p>

<p>$8,500 a year for me too, but I just received my new (better) test scores, so I think I'm going to call them next week and ask them to reconsider.</p>

<p>$8,500 doesn't make a dent in the COA.</p>

<p>i got into loyola chicago but didnt recieve any scholarship information ( how much they are going to give me, etc.) did all of you find that out right away.</p>

<p>Yes, I received it with my acceptance letter.</p>

<p>Also, they bumped up my scholarship to $12,500.</p>

<p>I didn't find out right away. I got an email with the amount, then a letter. There's hope for you!</p>

<p>I got accepted last month with the presidential scholarship (56,000)</p>

<p>3.9 GPA Unweighted (only 30/330) haha i hate unweighted grades</p>

<p>35 ACT</p>

<p>9 AP classes between junior and senior year</p>

<p>I was accepted a few days ago. I don't know anything about scholarships yet because LUC only texted me. I'm still waiting on the actual letter.</p>

<p>Good for you! I applied in early November, and have not heard anything yet... I visited rather late, this past October. I have been accepted by DePaul University's School of Commerce, including a $5,000 scholar's award, so now I am waiting to hear from Loyola-Lake Shore. Are you a Pre-med wannabe? I understand DePaul is "geared" more for Business studies.</p>

<p>Are you a 2007 freshman, or are you entering the 2008-2009 school year?</p>

<p>Congratulations to all who have been accepted and offered merit money...</p>

<p>My DS received his acceptance yesterday ~~ $12.5K per year ~~ we'll see what he does, he's awaiting 4 more notifications and then we'll net them all out...</p>

<p>why are you guys so happy? it is not hard to get into loyola, I got in with 26 on ACT, but I am not planning to attend though.</p>

<p>They're happy to get into a college and get scholarship money?
But of course, you're totally above Loyola with your 26 ACT right. lol.</p>

<p>~Harvard status~</p>

<p>I applied a while ago and never heard anything... Turns out I forgot to fill in the last page on the online app where you check the box... Oops.</p>

<p>I mailed in my deposit.
For anyone who plans on going to LUC, see you in the fall!</p>

<p>I just got rejected from my dream school and so I might now consider Loyola. They're giving me the $34k total scholarship at $8,500 per year. Does anyone know how much Loyola costs per year? </p>

<p>I'm still trying to find convincing and persuasive reasons to attend, right now I'm just bummed that I got rejected from my dream.</p>

<p>Loyola costs a bit more than 40K. I'm not going to attend Loyola. I got accetped to UW Madison and that is more appropriate for my studies and I can actually afford it. I would have never been able to go to Loyola. Too expensive.</p>

<p>I got my admission letter today and they only gave me $40,000.
I'm bummed.</p>

<p>$66,000 (56 + 10)
ACT: 33
Rank: 3/182
I got my finanacial info today and i'm getting 3500 more per year, so i still have to pay 20,000/year...uhhh</p>

<p>i'm considering premed...anyone have good reasons to go to loyola?</p>

<p>Accepted - not attending</p>

<p>If you like to party and get drunk off your ass, Loyola is the place to go IMO.</p>

<p>Does anyone know anything about this school? How are the dorms, the teachers, the area, the students, etc, etc. I would like to know anything and everything, I am from southern California and might be considering attending. Please if you have any info let me know! :]]</p>